The Skeleton

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"You've got two minutes," the police officer said, I had gone off with Spike to see Billy in jail but I would go back to Jess and B after. Spike and I looked through the bars to see if we could spot Billy 

"Hey, Psst" Spike hissed getting Billy's attention, Billy got up and walked over to us "alright big man?" Spike asked and I rolled my eyes, he was in jail, what kind of question is that 

"I've been better, to be honest mate" Billy replied 

"Hey listen, a guy came looking for Leo from the palace, Buckingham Palace" Spike grinned looking a bit between disbelief and awe, Billy just stared at him

"What?"  this wasn't new news to Billy but he pretended not to know 

"that's where Leopold and Hanna live, they live there because their mom is the queen of England" 

"Why would you tell him this," I asked faking as best I could 

"That is brand new information," Billy told him, Spike looked at us both unamused 

"You knew," he said and Billy chuckled a little bit 

"Yeah, Hanna told me the day we met" Spike nodded not wanting to make a big deal out of everything "I'm going up in front of the judge tomorrow to set a date for my trial" Billy informed us 

"They can't send you to prison for defending yourself," I told him "I saw what happened, I can testify or I could call in a favor from my mother" 

"Yeah I don't think prison is what they have in mind for me Kitten" he sighed and I stared at him 

"No" I frowned 

"Hanna, Spike, he's one of them a master of a workhouse, you can't hurt one of them and live to talk about it"

"Yeah but-" Spike began to say 

"And who cares? if that Rip stays open there won't be a city left to live in let alone gallows for me to hang from"

"Don't talk like that" I snapped "you are not going to die, Billy, and I am not going to lose you" 

"I'm getting us back together," Spike said "that's the thing about us, when one of us is missing we're crap"

"What are you going to do" Billy scoffed "break me out of a police cell? I hate to say it but you sound like a little kid"

"You absolute wanker"

"what are you on about?" 

"This is what I'm on about" Spike interrupted "You're the muscles, Jessie's the soul, Leo's the brain, B is the heart, what's Spike?"

"The mouth?" Billy answered 

"I'm the fricking skeleton, the most important part, the one that keeps us all together and I never get any recognition for it" as much as I liked Spike's little speech he forgot that I am part of the group and it hurt a little bit 

"I'm sorry" Billy apologized to Spike "all I'm saying is, there are some things that you can't fix, it doesn't matter how good of a skeleton you are" 

"Well, at least he's something" I scowled and they both looked at me taken at back by my outburst, "I told B that I'd get back, see you guys later" I walked back out onto the streets and made my way back to 221B, I couldn't lie, the fact that I wasn't recognized and that Billy didn't even say anything hurt my feelings, maybe I was being overly dramatic but that's just how I felt. 

When I got back to Watson's house Sherlock, and B was with him running out the door "what's going on?" I asked 

"No time to explain" Sherlock mumbled distractedly 

"Just, come on" B waved me over and I started to walk with them, we walked down the streets at a fast pace until we reached a place called Scotland Yard, Watson opened the doors and we rushed inside 

"Sherlock" Watson stared at something 

"Oh god" Sherlock whispered, I peered around the two of them to see a man that lay dead on the floor 

"Stay sharp," Watson said "Hello?"

"Sherlock" a man called breathlessly running out of a room "Christ, you look bloody terrible, Well, you picked a lovely time to re-appear, someone broke in and made their way down to the archives they took the files for the cases you and your friends have worked on"

"Linen suit?" Watson asked 

"Friend of yours?" The unknown man wondered 

"Not yet but we're very keen to meet him" I didn't really know what was going on but I assumed that whoever trashed the archives was the man called Linen Suit"  

"He walked straight up to the reception clerk, touched his arm he bashed his own brains out against the wall" the man informed us 

"That sounds something like what Jessie can do" I pointed out and B nodded 

"My god" Watson sighed 

"Then he made his way to the security officer who, well, a war veteran reduced to a gibbering wreck" I eyed the man who was shaking and stuttering on the floor "he's been like this ever since" 

"We need to work out why he wanted the case files" Watson decided 

"Uh, Well, Uh" Sherlock murmured "P-perhaps, the files" 

"You don't have to work it out"

"No I just need a minute, I just...I...I just"


"I just need"

"You don't need to-"  

"He's looking for a monster" B spoke up "Jessie said the location of the Rip was in their minds, there's a handful of monsters but finding one in a city of five million-"

"It would be looking like a needle in a haystack" I finished "unless you knew the exact location of one" 

"Arthur Hilton the bird master" Watson snapped his fingers "Inspector how quickly can you get us to Bedlam?" 

"Yeah, come with me" The inspector waved us to follow him 

"Well done Beatrice and Hanna," Sherlock said "nice work" we nodded and ran down the stairs, this was going to be a long long day 

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