The Relic

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Long Chapter lol

"Jesus help me untie him," Spike said going to help Watson 

"No, no, no" B stopped him "leave him when are we going to get another chance like this"

"Beatrice" Leo stepped up

"She's right guys," I said "this may be the only time we can get answers from him" 

"The deal was you'd tell us about him" B spit at Edith "so do it" 

"With pleasure," Edith said "when Sammy first became ill I tried to stem the tide of his sickness, I tried everything, nothing worked and when I'd exhausted science I turned to the occult" she looked at Watson 

"There's someone at the door for Mr.Holmes," a maid told Watson one night, he walked to the front and came face to face with Edith 

"Yes?" Watson asked impatiently 

"Uh my name is Edith Dubois, I contacted the golden dawn and they gave me this address," she said, "they told me to ask for Sherlock Holmes" 

"He's busy, you'll have to come back at a later date" Watson informed her 

"I think I've discovered a way to reach the other side," Edith told him as he was walking away from her, Watson stopped and turned around with a slight smirk on his face 

"What do you mean? how?" he asked 

"I've managed to get my hands on a..." she searched for the right word "I don't know how to describe it, it's a sort of...relic" Watson looked at her with interest, the planned to meet at her house the next day so she could show him.

Watson arrived at her house and they sat down next to the fireplace, Edith handed him the relic that looked like a metal chest and Watson examined it "Is it real?" he asked 

"It's cost me every penny that I have," she said watching him open the chest, a blue glow was emitted from the inside and reflected off of Watson's eyes "so what do we do?" 

"I'll take it away and test its authenticity," Watson told her tearing himself away from the blue mesmerising glow, Edith's husband started to shake in his chair 

"Sammy?" she said worriedly rushing over to him "Sammy I'm here, I'm here" she rubbed his back a little 

"No," Sammy said breathlessly, Watson got up from his seat and gathered his stuff 

"No, No, it says here with me, I hardly know you," Edith said walking over to him 

"You brought me here today because of my expertise, did you not?" Watson asked 


"You brought me here today to find a way to breathe life into your husband's bones, I'll take the relic I'll find a way" he assured her, but anyone could see how infatuated he was with the relic 

"Doctor," Edith spoke up "in all my research it says there is great danger in using the tool"

"Do you take me for an amateur Mrs.Dubois" Watson snapped  

"No" she shook her head and looked at the ground 

"Please, do not underestimate my aptitude," he said 

"How long will it take?" she asked quietly

"I'll be in touch," he told her walking out of the room leaving her to wonder and hope and pray 

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