Snowdonia Hawkweed

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"Wait what do you mean Daimler's here?" I asked Leo alarmed as he pulled me to my feet 

"Some of his guards were wandering around," Leo said as we walked into the Duck & Quiver "we can't let him see us" we stood by the window looking for anyone from the palace

"When someone is tired of London, they are tired of life" we whipped around to see Daimler standing at the bar, we missed him on the way in "for there is in London all that life can afford, in the history of the world there has never been a city like it, a city where you can be anyone you want to be" he looked at us disgusted "do anything you want to do" 

"I'm armed," Leo told him walking over "so is Hanna"  

"I'm sure you are given that you now appear to be feral, look at yourselves, your not actually feral are you? you're playing dress-up" 

"No," I told him "we have a life now, we have friends" 

"I suppose they know you're prince and princess of England" Daimler spat "or do people in these parts not take kindly to people like the two of you?" 

"If you take me back to the palace I will no longer be a prince," Leo said "I will engage in no meetings, no banquets, no breakfasts, no socials, I won't even speak to my own mother" I started to feel a little dizzy again and I tried to pay no attention to it 

"What did she say when she found out we left?" I asked, "what did she say when she found out that her sick little boy and darling little girl ran off?" Daimler looked away "she doesn't know does she?"

"You haven't told her?" Leo asked, "if you lay a finger on Hanna and I'll tell her how negligent you have been and how will you keep that air of superiority when you no longer work for the crown? I am the master of my own fate, me" he slammed his hand onto the counter making me jump in surprise 

"If we wish to return to the palace we will do so as and when we please," I told Daimler still trying to ignore how dizzy I was "and what's more Daimler, there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it" we began to walk away 

"Come back for her" Daimler yelled pointing to me "look at her, she looks like she's going to drop dead any second" I had no idea I looked that bad

"I can take care of her," Leo said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the pub, he walked a little too quickly and I lost my balance almost falling to the ground, I caught onto the wall and steadied myself 

"Hanna?" Leo asked in concern 

"Hey" Billy yelled running over "what's wrong" I shrugged feeling like I was going to throw up any second "what are we going to do, we can't fetch a doctor"

"I'm fine" I mumbled standing up straight "I'm good" they both looked skeptical but didn't push me any farther we began to walk when I tripped and fell into Billy 

"You are not fine" Billy snapped pulling me closer "you're sick"

"No, I'm not" I sighed, we still had cases to work on and I couldn't afford to be sick for them 

"You sure this is the right place?" Billy asked an hour later, B had given us an address and because apparently someone or something could tell us about a plant that was causing all of the very odd injures, Billy was holding my hand tightly as we walked so I wouldn't fall down again

"11 Colebrook gardens, Edith Dubois" Leo read off of a sheet of paper 

"Looks like someone's already beaten us to it" Spike said looking at the hole in a glass window, someone must have punched it to get inside 

"Watson" B concluded opening the door 

"Why is Watson so desperate to find this plant anyway?" Spike asked no one answered him as we stepped into the house "Jesus"

"Looks like our friend the doctor had fun in here" Billy commented 

"He's totally trashed this place," I said looking at all the papers and books that were thrown on the floor, Billy and I walked into a small greenhouse where plants had been broken and were toppled over in their pots 

"What's that?" I asked Billy pointing to an open book that lay on the table 

"Hey, I think we found what Watson's looking for" Billy yelled and the gang walked into the room "it looks like some sort of diary" 

"August 19th, the disease, fortunately, has only attacked his extremities, his toes and fingers blacken as the rot sets in" I read aloud 

"Her husband?" Spike asked I handed him a picture of someone's toes 

"October, the disease has worked inwards towards his organs, if I don't act now he'll die, I plan to render him...comatose" I continued reading "and move him somewhere safe, I'll keep his body cool to preserve what is left of him, and then I'll use nature to recraft him, to bring him back"

"It's her, she's the collector," Leo said 

"Somewhere safe," Spike thought for a moment "big help, she could literally be anywhere" 

"Sherlock said Snowdonia Hawkweed requires extremely specific conditions to thrive," B said referring to the plant we had been looking for "in the wild, it only grows on a single cliff face in North Wells"

"Botanical Gardens" Leo and I said at the same time 

"Look at this place, look at what Watson did to it, it speaks of desperation and rage," B told us as we started to walk back out of the house 

"Why would he be so desperate to find her?" Billy asked 

"Why did he tell Sherlock that Snowdonia Hawkweed was a dead end when it obviously wasn't" Spike added 

"Let's go get some fucking answers"

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