Chapter 13 - Baby Dragon Attack

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Hiccup's POV:

"Son!" I heard extremely loud from my left before I was pulled into a crushing hug. And by crushing I mean my bones are almost flattened.

"Dad....can't....breath." I said through all the air I had left. He put me down and brushed himself off.

"Oh sorry son." He apologised.

"Hehe so dad...." I was cut short.

"Where were you?! I was searching for you for ages.

"Oh about that, I went to get astrid and the gang." I answered pulling Astrid to stand next to me.

"I see that, where were you then?" He continued.

"What do you mean where was I? You came and rescued us." I answered really confused.

"No, I was searching Berk high and low for you."

"Who came for us then?" Astrid asked. There was a moment of silence.

"Right, hiccup, you can tell me about this later. Right now you all need to get cleaned up. We will discuss this over dinner." He gave me a final look before turning away. Discuss over dinner...that's never something good. Suddenly I felt a weight on my arm. Astrid collapsed for a second but I helped her back up.

"Thor Astrid! Come on, I'll get you to Gothi's." I helped her as I put an arm around her. The others turned to put their dragons in the hanger.

"Who do you think it was, Hiccup?" Astrid started a conversation as we began walking towards the house.

"I don't know. It doesn't really matter now. We are safe that's all that matters. And that's all I care about." I answered.

----time skip----

There was a complete awkward silence. I looked from left to right awkwardly wondering where to start as my food sat untouched in front of me and in front of that dad sat with his arms crossed.

"So, dad. Flightmare turn up last night?" I began.

"No. Have anything to add to that?" He added me continue.

"Well, it was captured by the outcasts....along with us." I answered, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hiccup, don't fool me, Alvin is here and..." I cut him off.

"Actually funny that..." I stuttered with a sarcastic laugh before I continued. "Savage is actually....leader of the outcasts now." I tried to explain as calmly as I could but I think I stuttered.

"Sorry, didn't catch that." Dad asked me to repeat.

"Savage is leader of the outcasts..." I repeated.

"Oh we go." Dad rubbed his forehead. I could tell this was going to be a long conversation.

Astrid's POV:

My eyes opened slowly. Ugh, where am I? My head hurts. That's all I know. The light was blinding me as I slowly sat up. I looked left and right to get my bearings. What was i doing in Hiccups room? Woah! Hold! I quickly lifted the furs almost chucking them across the room. My leggings were still on thank Thor.

"Relax." I heard sarcastically from my right. I turned to see Hiccup sitting in a chair. "You fell asleep while Gothi was here so we just left you there." He explained.

"Thank you, Hiccup." I smiled, rubbing my eye. Forgetting it was bruised I quickly moved my hand away.

"T-try not to touch it." He took my hand to keep it away from my face.

"Thank you for coming back for me." My lips formed a slight smile.

"I wouldn't leave you if my life depended on it." He smiled back. I leaned forward to kiss him but suddenly there was a huge bang on the roof.

"What was that?" I looked up.

"Come on, we better go see." Hiccup helped me out of bed as we hurried down stairs and outside. We opened the door where Toothless stood with his wings arched in a threatening way, his tail curled around him.

"Toothless, what's wrong?" Hiccup began but suddenly 'not-so-silent-Sven' ran passed.

"GIVE ME BACK MY CHICKEN!!!!!" He yelled or should I say screamed as he chased after a baby Zippleback.

"Tailwhip! Where are you!" Crescent ran passed, calling her dragons name. She's only small but gosh can she ride a dragon. Riding a large, orange and red, male deadly Nadder she can sure ride for a nine year old.

"Anyone seen Claw-wing?" Another villager ran passed.

"Hey! Give that back!" Hork Bolted passed following a baby Gronckle.

"Hiccup! Thank Thor your here!" Gobber ran over to us as we stepped out the house.

"What's going on?" Hiccup asked

"Half the dragons are missing. The baby ones, wanting their parents have turned against us and we don't know what to do!" He explained extremely fast.

"BABY DRAGON ATTACK!!!!" Sven bolted passed again this time running from a baby Nadder who was shooting at him.

"See what I mean." Gobber gestured to him.

"Where are the other dragons?" I asked.

"We don't know? They were here yesterday but now they are gone!" He replied.

"Stormfly..." I muttered. What if she's gone. I ignored what hiccup was saying and began bolting back to my house.

Hiccup's POV:

"Astrid!" I yelled from behind as I followed her. As we reached her house she stopped and stood still.

"Stormfly's gone." She said quietly to herself as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"HOOKFANG!" SNOTLOUT ran passed. "Hey guys, have you seen Hookfang?" He asked, half out of breath.

"Sorry Snotlout, Stormfly's missing too." I replied.

"Where are all our dragons?" Fishlegs suddenly appeared out of no where. You would think for a guy like him he wouldn't be hard to miss.

"Gees fishlegs, do you know how creepy that is?" Astrid complained with a jump.

"Hiccup! I have a serious matter to address! Ruffnut stole MY dragon." Tuffnut approached me.

"Did not! Tuffnut stole MY dragon!" Ruffnut argued.

"Did not!" Tuffnut turned to her.

"Did too!" Ruff rammed her head against his as they stood eye to eye.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"DID TOO!" It continued on.

"What happened to all the dragons?" Fishlegs asked.

"Watch out!" Snotlout yelled as we ducked. A baby nightmare swooped over us.

"The baby dragons need their parents." I stated.

"Yeah, but where are they?" Astrid continued.

"I don't know." I said with a sigh. Where could our dragons be?


Sorry for the long wait for the chapter guys. As you can see, year nine keeps you busy. So busy I have to do a Japanese assignment for english!!! Like where is the logic? So yes, I have been kept very very busy! I will try to update as often as I can this was my only chance today. Thanks for being patient folks I really appreciate it.

Peace out! B)

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