Chapter 10 - Love Sick

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Hiccup's POV:

I sat on the edge of my bed. Staring into nothing just day dreaming about nothing. Like I was dead for a few minutes before a crash got my attention. I looked around my room with wide eyes.

"Morning son!" Dad suddenly boomed into the room. Giving me a fright I jumped up.

"AHH! Oh, it's just you." I sighed.

"You coming out today?" He asked.

"I-I'll think about it." I looked down feeling depressed again before falling back onto bed and looking at the ceiling.

"Gobber was wondering when you were coming down to the forge. It's been a few days." He reminded.

"Yeah..." I sighed again.

I heard him sigh as well before walking back down stairs. I turned on my side and fiddled with the small toy Nadder sitting there. Apparently my mum made it for me. Stormfly came into thought as I looked at it and then Astrid. My mind is just fighting with itself now. She still isn't back and I'm starting to get worried. But then my mind argues back and says I don't care. I don't even know what to think any more. I just feel depressed. I sighed and turned back to face the ceiling. Toothless nudged me in the side.

"Hey." I made out a smile. He gummy smiled back. Then he turned and picked something up and spat it on me. "Ew." I looked at him and then picked up the thing in the middle of the pile of saliva. I shook it and wiped the gross stuff off it. It was a drawing. It looked at it closer to realise it was the drawing I drew of Astrid and Stormfly when they were down at the lake. Thought she was going to kill me when she saw I drew it but instead she did the complete opposite. That thought made me smile.

"Grrrrraaww?" Toothless nudged me again.

"What am I doing?!" I asked myself and stood up. "I'm an idiot. Come on Toothless." I ordered as I walked down stairs.

"You're up! You going to the forge?" Dad asked.

"Actually I'm going for a fly." I told him.

"Oh, we'll be sure to stay out for as long as you need you've been in that room for two days straight." I patted me on the head as he walked past.

"Hehe, yep by dad." I tried to smile as I left the house. I have actually been wondering where the gang were. Usually they would have come to check on me and if not I would have at least heard them walk past but it's just been quiet. Where are they anyway?

Ruffnut's POV:
2 days before

"Seriously? Outcast island of all places?" I complained as I leaned back on the zippleback.

"That's what he said." Snotlout replied.

"Well what's the plan? We going or not?" Tuff put his head back on his Zipplebacks half Beltch.

"We are going to get Astrid back from outcast island!" Fishlegs ordered.

"Who let you make the orders?" Snotlout asked him.

"You were going to say the same thing." He said back.

"Let's just go." Snotlout gave in. We took off for outcast island. Hopefully to bring her back. I don't want to be the only woman on Berk otherwise ALL the guys will be following me. Ain't letting that happen.

----time skip----

"Are we there yet?" Tuff groaned.

"Do you see land?" Snotlout asked.

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