Chapter 9 - Betrayal After Betrayal

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Hiccup's POV:

I opened the door to my house as Toothless jumped up onto the roof. I took off my armour and took a seat at the table. Just breathing for a minute. I reached into my pocket to grab... It wasn't there. The badge Astrid gave me last year wasn't there. I usually have the small red dragon badge on my armour or in my pocket but now it wasn't there. I must have lost it when running out of the tunnel. I sighed as I sunk into the chair.

Snotlout's POV:

"Put yourself in his shoes!" Ruffnut ordered, pushing me closer to the door.

"Shoe." I corrected.

"Just go!" She yelled with a hard shove.

I took a deep breath as I put my hand on the door handle. I thought to myself before opening the door. I looked around for Toothless. I saw him perched on the roof above me. Thank goodness he isn't in the house, that's one thing that could have killed me out of the way then. Now all I have to worry about is Hiccup. I breathed out as I took the gut to open the door. I quickly pushed it open and began talking quickly so hopefully he would get startled and drop a weapon if he had one.

"Hey Hicc.....up." I began but was cut off as a knife nearly hit me before impaling itself into the wall beside me. "R-ruff day hu?" I laughed scared as I pulled the dagger out of the wall.

"No kidding." He muttered still not facing me as he sat at the table. I walked over to him and sat in front of him. "What do you want Snotlout?" He frowned and turned his head to not look at me again.

"I won't lie, they forced me to come and talk to you." I explained.

"Well you can go tell them that I want to be left alone." He ordered.

"Can we just have a conversation here?" I begged.

"When was having pep talks your kind of thing?" He looked back to me with a sarcastic face.

"So," I got back on subject. "What happened?"

"I really don't want to talk right now." He turned his sight away from me again.

"Just tell me. Your only going to feel better if you tell someone." I smiled trying to get something out of him. I really hate doing this. He was right, this really isn't my thing.

"She's sick okay! Is that what you wanted to hear? She is beyond the point of sick she is delusional! She is sick in the mind with the thought of revenge! Thanks to you lot before, she just got more tense about wanting to kill the Flightmare! Now she is out there probably finding a way to drag the thing back here to prove she killed it!" He yelled with a bang on his fists on the table during the last sentence before sinking into his seat rubbing his head.

"Oh..." I began but didn't know what to say. "Where is she now?" I questioned.

"Outcast island probably more insane than she already was." He started to get upset so he covered his mouth with a gulp before standing up and walking outside to find Toothless.

"Well that went well." I said to myself.

Astrid's POV:

"So, you leaked the information to Johann so he would tell me so I would come here to help you?" I checked again.

"Yes." Savage smiled.

"Well, I can't deny that is actually rather clever but what did you need my help for exactly?" I wondered, walking back and forth in one of their many underground rooms filled with food on the table.

"I want you to get my the Night Fury." He told me. Why does everyone who doesn't live on Berk want Toothless. I just don't get it?!

"Okay, say I got him for you, why would you want him?"

"Don't you know? Night Furies are a strike class dragon. Strike class dragons have the power, if they wish to, to overpower other dragons. They are more threatening, ore deadly. Therefore other dragons listen to them. If I have the Night Fury, I can train the Flightmare." He smiled.

"And why would you want to train the Flightmare?" I asked.

"If I have the Flightmare I could take over any island I want." Savage looked excited.

"And what's in it for me? Technically if I get Toothless for you, I don't get to kill the Flightmare, you destroy Berk and how is any of that an upside for me?" I crossed my arms.

"You get me Toothless, I won't destroy Berk, I'll give him back to you after AND..." He began as he chucked me something. I caught it and opened my hands to look at it. I looked down to a small red dragon badge. It was the one I gave Hiccup last snoggletog. "And I won't kill the boy." He smiled.

"What?" I questioned as suddenly my hands were put in chains as a viking behind me grabbed me.

"I'm sorry Astrid but the truth is, you get Toothless then Hiccup will clearly follow and once we have the dragon and the boy, it's only a matter of threatening to get him to train the dragons for us. So you're a perfect hostage." He stood up from his seat and said calmly.

"I thought I was joining you to do something good! I thought you said you were a friend not a foe!" I yelled at him as the viking behind my pushed me to the ground as my hands stayed behind my back, chained.

"Yeah, I lied. Take her away! Tomorrow Astrid, you will get that Night Fury and bring it here or else you can have the honour of killing Hiccup for me." He smiled as I began to be dragged away.

"You're despicable!" I yelled.

"I know. Oh! That sounds good. Soldier!" He called a viking over. "Write that down! The name is Savage the Despicable!" He smiled.

"Are you sure." The viking checked.

"Don't questioned me!" Savage yelled as he hit the vikings helmet off him.

"Idiot." I muttered to myself as we entered another tunnel and they pushed me along.


Hi guys!

So I have some good news, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! (In a few hours, for me anyway)

To my point, as soon as the clock ticks over for me I will release a new book! It's called Rise Of The Brave Tangled Dragons! I shouldn't have to explain much you can probably guess what it's going to be about :) I have wrote a few chapters already and I am already loving where it's going. I think it is one of my favourite books out of the ones I have written.

So if you can I would love it if you can check that out. It is my New Years present from me to you :) (also to make up for the other big 4/5 book I deleted a month ago teehee)

Love ya all

Peace out! :P

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