Chapter 17

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A lot of things already happened after the threat is sended.Someone already came back here and someone's plans are already working.Things started falling back into their rightful places and it's just a week just passed by.

What will happen in the next days if a week just passed by and a lot of things already happened?

Red Velvet and BTS are walking towards their hideout which is the garden and everybody is forbidden to go there since they claimed it and everybody follows that well except for the BETG Squad since they just follow their own rules or so everybody thought that they're following their own rules but little did they know that there's only one person that knows about the truth and secrets that no one will ever want to know.

The group are walking in the hallways and they're just messing and goofing around with eachother and not aware on what adventure awaits for them today.

Someone haven't been sleeping and eating properly because a lot of strange things are happening to them like they're being haunted by something-or particularly someone.

Someone is watching them with smirks on their faces since in no time the real plan will start and a lot of things will happen in 24 hours and all will be in chaos unless she's still alive by that time but that's impossible because she's already suffering from a disease that no one knows about.

BTS and Red Velvet arrived at the garden and they all just sat down and they all started talking about stuffs to help them clear their minds off but RM can't seem to remove his mind off after they received the threat no matter how hard he tried to put it at the back of his brain and he came up with all the solutions he could do to remove it in his mind but he failed to remove it from his mind.

RM's POV We're all just chilling in the garden and they all seemed to forgot the threat that is sent a week ago because this isn't the first time that someone sent us a threat and I already lost count since it happened it's a thousand times already but the threat that is sent a week ago gives me a different message because usually all the threats sent to us are just for fun and they all still have that mindset but me and Suga noticed different about the last sent threat that's why we took it and we're currently examining it and I found a skull with a golden crown at the top of it with the initials P.K. sign at the bottom of the box and Suga is still researching for the symbol and person online but he said he'll update me later if he will ever find a lead about the threat.

I just shrugged and ate my sandwich and I took a sip of my iced coffee.I took my phone out and I just played some games then a message appeared from an unknown number so I opened it and I found the same symbol in the box and the only difference is the one in the picture is a tattoo and I noticed that it's on the wrist of this person.

Luckily Suga is just beside me so I looked at him but I saw him sleeping so I decided to wake him up even though he's scary if he's woken up by someone.

"Wake up Suga.I need you to do something."I whispered to him since I don't want the others to hear about what we're talking about.

"What?"He asked while his eyes are still closed so I nudged him and he glared at me so I put my phone with the tatto infront of his face that cause him to look at me with wide-eyes and I just nodded at him.

"You're lucky that this is more important than my sleep otherwise you're already a dead meat the moment I opened my eyes."Suga said so I gulped but he just took my phone and opened his laptop and I think he's trying to get all the information just by this piece of picture.

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