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Everyone was eating and happily chatting with eachother until the Kingskas and Queenkas of the school went inside and approach the table of their "so-called-friends".

Their friends didn't even bothered paying attention at their presence.

1st Scenario:

"We're done." The man said that cause the girl's heart to shatter.

"Don't leave me.Please."A light brown haired girl and the eldest among them said almost begging at the man he loves just so that he wouldn't break up with her.

"I didn't love you." The man replied and kissed the lips of his new girlfriend that is beside him.

The light brown haired girl run away from the scene and even her sisters didn't bother chasing her, since they know where she would end up.

2nd Scenario:

"We're also done,******." The man said that cause her to look away from him cause she might breakdown infront of him–infront of everybody.

"Why are we breaking up?"A light brown haired girl and the 2nd eldest asked the man he loves while trying to stop her tears from falling and she successfully did because she remembered something that made her tears to stop from falling.

"Cause you are just a toy of me." The man replied with a smirk in his lips  that shattered the girl's heart in pieces and passionately kiss his new girlfriend infront of her that cause her to leave the cafeteria.

The light brown haired girl ran away like her older sister did and went to the same place.

3rd Scenario:

"We're over."A man said while holding hands with her new girlfriend.

"Did I do something wrong?"A blonde girl haired and the 2nd youngest asked while her voice shakes.

"You didn't but I'm done with this relationship cause your just a bet from the start." The man replied and the girl slapped him and walked away from the cafeteria.

Once the girl got out of the cafeteria she ran and followed her older sisters as they are all crying while waiting for their youngest to arrive, so they can finally leave the place because it's slowly suffocating them.

4th Scenario:

"It's over,****."A boy said while looking at the girl and the girl burst into tears that cause them to laugh, but the girl stop crying and laugh sarcastically while looking at them.

The girl just grinned at him because she's really happy to be free from him because he's fucking annoying and childish.

"Yes, finally we're done."A blonde haired girl said happily and clap like a child not caring on the surroundings because she's really glad to be free from the boy.

"Good cause I'm already done playing with you."He said sternly and smirked after and  the girl quickly get that he wants to hurt her, but too bad that doesn't affect her. She smirked back at him that cause them to be confused.

"Good game cause I already played with you too cause 2 players can play your game, but too bad I'm better at you playing the game you made." The girl said that cause them to be shocked.

The girl said something that made them shocked  as she also gave them a gift and a reward that they wouldn't be able to forget in their entire lives.

After that scenario in the Cafeteria, the girl went out and followed her older sisters, then she drove them at their current apartment, since she's the only one who isn't crying and she's the only one in a right state.

The school that is full of their happy memories slowly tainted and became a place that suffocates them.


4 girls which are sisters got played by 4 boy friends that has a gang, but the girls identities are hidden.

The boys have no clue what mess they have gotten theirselves into.

The girls that people thought you played with are simple, smart, happy, and just a simple girl that was able to got a scholar from a school of elites that the students are the future business holders, but the truth is completely the opposite.

They're not just simple girls because they keep their identities hidden.

The girls you played with now have new personalities that can easily make you trembled just by their presence, look, and aura that surrounds them.

They are eager to make their revenge on the persons that hurt them.

Just by hearing their names it can make your spine chill cause who wouldn't know the surname of the most powerful business tycoons.

The Park-Kim Empire.

Meet the new girls together with their gang and squad.

The gang thats is composed of the Park-Kim Heiresses.

The Squad that is composed of the most influential people in their generations.

They are a badass, a playgirl, a gangster queen, a mafia empress, and a heartless person.

They are part of the Underworld.

They are the ones who controls and runs it.

Once you meet them you will need to show them respect because in one wrong move or a mere snap of their fingers, you need to be beware because  it can make you fall of the world you're living in.

They can make your life miserable or you could be banished from the world forever.

A single tantrum of them can make your lives miserable forever.

The boys that broke them because of a deal and a bet realized that they love them after a  small amount of time.

They are all waiting for them to comeback to say their sorry's and explain their sides.

But, when the girls came back they have found their new lovers already.

Will the boys love their new girlfriends?

Or will they still love the girls that they happen to love because of a bet and a deal?

Let's find out if all of them would end up in eachother's arms or will they end up in somebody's arms.

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