| 45 | The Land Where Warriors Rest ||

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 "Thank you gentlemen. I'll take any questions that you have." Liam peeked quickly at his watch. This was the last meeting. The first thing he did two days ago when he landed was have Morgan smash these meetings from five days into three. If he could wrap up questions in the next hour, he would be able to catch the redeye flight back to California, tonight.

"Thank you Mr. Rogan for taking this impromptu trip. I know it was not what was agreed, but my partners wanted to hear everything right from you."

Liam nodded. "Of course. I'm happy to accommodate."

"Your secretary explained your time constraints; so, I will not keep you. Everyone will take a few days with the information and follow-up with video meetings next week."

"That sounds perfect. Thank you for understanding. I'm not trying to be curt with you."

"Of course. I understand. The next time you come here, we will sit down for a good meal and I will show you the restored temple that fell during the earthquake."

"I would be honored. Thank you again."

Liam adjusted the pillow for the hundred-thousandth time. He checked his watch again and turned on his side before forcing his eyes closed. He was only two hours into his ten hour flight. He was in first class, had a pod all to himself where he could lay the seat back, but he couldn't get to sleep.

It wasn't abnormal for him to work on his flight, which is what he did for the first hour and a half. He was able to get some notes typed up for Morgan to add to her own. She was hanging back in Japan for another couple days to make sure there weren't any urgent items that came out of the meeting. Plus she wanted to do some sightseeing.

He developed a couple strategic outlines to some approaches to acquiring some of the businesses for his potential San Francisco client. The man was taking his good old time getting back. Liam didn't finish that task, but he did get as far as his brain would allow. He thought the mental exhaustion meant he would be able to fall asleep. That was always the best way in his opinion to pass the time on flights, but his stupid brain wouldn't allow him to rest.

The hours crawled by as he watched movies, dozed off, woke up, rewound, dozed again.

Finally he landed and was heading out to his car waiting in the lot for him.

"Awe come on L.A.," he grumbled "Is this how you welcome me home?" Must have been a big event downtown earlier that evening because there was a lot of traffic heading in both directions.

Next thing he knew he was speeding through the hills heading up to his sweet oasis.

He backed into the garage his insides starting the jitter around and a buoyant joy filled him for some odd reason.

He grabbed his bag out the trunk and paused right inside the door. He inhaled and his stomach started growling. The house felt warm and smelled like Thanksgiving.

"Penelope?" He frowned when no one answered but he could hear dishes banging around in the kitchen. He made his way inside and paused when he saw her singing into the end of the spatula. He noticed then that she had ear buds in her ears.

"Penelope?" He called her name louder.

She screamed and quickly pulled the earbuds out of her ears. "Holy shit! You scared me." She put the spatula in the dishwasher and closed it before she got a wash towel.

"Didn't mean to." He started unloosening his tie.

"Hey." Penelope said, after she paused wiping the counter to meet his gaze. "You're back early. Wasn't expecting you for what, two days yet."

SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now