| 10 | Avoidance Only Lasts So Long ||

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It was a sweet torturous proposition she offered him. If he were not him, not strapped with the burdens that he undoubtedly put on himself. If he was free to succumb to the desire he felt when he laid eyes on her naked body, felt her in his hands, under his tongue. If he were simply a man and she a woman, well he'd do exactly what he did with her that night.

Sex was one of those events in life that you were expected to enjoy. If not the first time, then every single time that followed. He had sex with her and it felt as it should, but there were other things, seemingly small things that should have been lost to the ricocheting feelings that consumed your being when you were engaged, deep in the mental and physical play of two bodies coming together as one.

The high of the sex, the orgasm, faded days ago, but those little things remained. How her fingers felt touching his cock, exploring him as if he were some curious precious bobble she found in a cave of wonders. Her hands as they grazed up the sides of his body, searched his chest. Her tongue on his nipple. God, that was a fucking dream.

He found such thoughts would catch him off guard in the middle of a meeting, at the hotel bar after a day full of meetings, on the plane ride back to the place he called home. Anywhere, everywhere, without warning he'd be back there. When he was alone, say in the hotel room and it was just him, he'd delight in it, settle in it even, all the other places it popped up took everything in him to push it down and continue on with the day.

He got back early from his business trip, but he didn't return home, nope. He rented a suite for the night and held up there the night before and arrived at work on time that very morning.

"Mr. Rogan?"

He looked up from the laptop screen at his assistant as she stepped into his office. "Morgan."

She presented a slight smile then got right into the schedule for the day.

He liked her. She was smart, organized and efficient. Kind of robotic if he really thought about it. But like AI robotic. She was quick on her feet and made sound decisions. She seemed to have a good understanding of the big picture and how that translated into the smaller tasks that she was responsible for.

"I have you double booked at two o'clock. Mr. Gray was insistent that you be present for a conference call with the Gridlock Exchange. The Blight Group has had that spot for weeks now."

"Hmm," he said, tapping his bottom lip with the pen. "If you have the time, I would like you to sit in on the Gridlock Exchange meeting and take notes for me. We can meet after it and talk about what you heard."

She nodded. "That would have been my recommendation as well. Mr Gray isn't going to like it."

"I'll deal with Mark." He said impatiently. The man was needy and nervous. He didn't earn the position he had which was why he was always second guessing himself.

"Very good Mr. Rogan. Was there anything else you needed from me at the moment?" Morgan clasped the tablet in front of her. Her auburn hair was pulled up into an immaculate bun. Her white satin blouse was tucked into a black pencil skirt. Her shoes were always the accessory he took note of. They were blue green snakeskin peep toe stilettos. He didn't notice them before, must be new.

"Did we send a thank you gift to Mr. Nakamura for his hospitality?" He blinked and found her face.

She looked at her tablet. "It's on my list of things to do today. Did you have anything specific in mind?"

"No. I'll leave it in your capable hands." He was never really good at gifts and trust Morgan to get what was appropriate.

She nodded. "Very good, sir."

"Thank you, Morgan."

"My pleasure." She closed his office door on her way out.

He smirked. He had a good feeling about the day. Bound to be busy, which meant he'd be exhausted, and home late which meant he'd barely feel the loss or confusion that plagued him for the past week.

Liam ended the three hour call then looked up at his boss who'd been strolling around the office for the past fifteen minutes of the call.

"Sorry, Chuck. That call went a little long."

The older man waved him off.

"You could have left the message with Morgan. I know you're busy."

The man faced Liam from an assessment of a plaque on the wall. His frown pulled into a smile that made Liam frown.

"No, son. I needed to deliver this news in person."

"What news is that, sir?" He had so many balls in the air he needed a refresher.

"Every other week for five days at a time for the past what? Six months?"

"Closer to seven. Did you hear back from the Nakamura account?" His palms started to sweat and his stomach lodged in his throat.

He just returned the day before. Such a fast response couldn't be good. They took their time, they were known for that.

"I did." The man said, clasping his arms behind his back and turning his attention back to the plaques. Liam was starting to feel self conscious about having his accomplishments displayed on the wall. No one ever actually took time to look them over. The man laughed a little bit. "I remember when you won this one."

He laughed hesitantly joining the man. "Just a little vanity wall."

"Ah, it's good. We all need it. Reminds us of where we've been and where we're going."

"Right." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"You were still in flight when they called at an ungodly hour. Pattricia was not happy the phone ringing so early, but they were enthusiastic about handing us the job."

Liam's mouth almost fell open. "They gave us the job? I thought short listing was the next step?

"I know!" The man said enthusiastically. "They said it was your clear plan and precise communication techniques that they were looking for. They didn't need to consider any other partners! You did it!" The man's old face was crinkling in amusement.

Liam didn't know what to say, what to do. He was laser focused in all those meetings. For some reason he felt invigorated, capable, indestructible.

"They signed the contract with the firm of course, but made it very clear they only want to work with you." The man clapped him on the back. "You seem different Rogan. Whatever it is you're doing, keep at it. We still on for Golf?"

He nodded but his mind was still in disbelief. "You bet." He'd never landed a job this big before. He always did really well, his commission checks were more than adequate to get him everything he needed and most of the things he wanted, but this one, this was going to be insane.

He smiled. Just in time for his son or daughter to come into the world. There were so many things he needed to get in order. So many things. It was easier to think about these types of things than what it would take to get his little one here.


Okay Liam, I see you doin' big things. Now let's have a real moment. Eventually you have to go home, sir. You can't go running away forever, not can you?


See you in the next chapter,


SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now