| 55 | A Dance With Prince Charming ||

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It was nerve racking at first not having Liam at her side. He was a security blanket, making her feel like she belonged. Is that why Cinderella danced with the Prince all night because if she hadn't she would have felt like a fish out of water. Not just felt, she was.

She took a deep breath.

You belong here, Penelope. She recited in her head. That's what her mother would have said to her. You belong here because you are here.

Liam was right. Just like her meeting with Catalina Viselli, this was her shot.

"Where did you study?"

Penelope blinked out of her thoughts when the older of the ladies, Patricia, placed a gentle hand on Penelope's arm. "I'm sorry?"

"You said you repurposed clothes while you were in school. Where did you study, dear?"

"Oh, yes. Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising my major was in Fashion Design, but I have to admit that a lot of the hands-on sewing and needlework, I learned from my mother before my formal education."

Patricia smiled warmly. "Some of my best skills I learned from my mother. Education is brilliant, truly but you're typically not taught the business side of your field."

"Yes, I find I'm very good at the design and creative execution but the business stuff I'm learning."

"I'm sure Liam could share a thing or two." May said before sipping her champagne.

"Oh, yes. He put together a cheat sheet for me. It's been most helpful."

Patrica leaned closer to Penelope. "These men know so much, suck every ounce of life out of them. Has he given you any direction on finances?"

Penelope frowned. "No, I admit I didn't ask nor have I gotten to that point."

"Oh yes dear girl. You must have your system for finances in order before you start rolling in all the money. You know, Liam probably isn't the best person to ask anyway--" The woman held out the word as she started searching the crowd of people. "Ah ha there he is." Patricia linked free arms with Penelope and May fell into step with them as they started heading toward a small group.

Patricia released her arm and pressed a gentle touch on a man's shoulder. His back was to them, but he was tall, with dark brown hair cut simply and styled for the occasion.


"Patricia!" The man said with more enthusiasm than Penelope would have thought at such an event. "It's been too long." He pulled the woman into a friendly hug.

"Indeed. Dear God, I swear you get more and more handsome every time I see you."

The man's fair cheeks showed red as he turned to fully face them. He had a silly smirk on his face as he addressed May and Penelope. His eyes lingered on Penelope as they searched her.

"You remember May, right?"

"Of course, Kirby's wife. Pleasure to see you again." He took May's hand.

"Dimitri is a dear friend." The older woman said to her companions. "I see him more as a son. I am fiercely protective, I admit." She laughed a little bit.

"My mother would appreciate that, God rest her." The man said.

Patricia stepped back an inch and placed a hand on Penelope's back. "This is Penelope. I was hoping you would be able to help her get the financial side of things in order for her budding enterprise while she's early on."

Dimitri smiled at Penelope, his warm brown eyes assessing behind the rimless glasses. "Of course. Anything for you Patricia."

The older woman laughed. "You're sure a dear boy. Penelope is studying under Catalina Viselli this summer, hand picked in fact."

SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now