| 5 | Meet The Rogans ||

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 How was it possible that all the things she cared about could fit in the trunk of a car? She looked out the window as the black sedan made its way up the coastal hills and valleys. The Rogans lived just north of Malibu on the ocean. She exhaled and looked down at the signed contract on her lap.

It was all so strange the series of events that had her heading in this direction. They'd pay for her rent for a month while they decided if the agreement was going to continue forward. After that, her furniture would be put in storage paid of course by the Rogans. They'd also pay to break her lease at the end of the month.

She looked at the figure on the paper again. She'd never seen that much money in her life at one time. She couldn't believe how much Nancy was able to get them for the two items she wanted to negotiate on. Fifty thousand was a beggars portion.

The driver pulled into a long driveway that ramped up to a multi-car garage off to the side and a contemporary three story white mansion adjacent. When she got out of the car she heard the ocean and seagulls calling in the distance. The air smelled different, smelled like salt water, but fresh and it was cooler there but not cold.

"Don't even worry about the bags. Leni will get them."

Penelope frowned over her shoulder and saw who had to be Mrs. Rogan dressed in a pretty tailored nineteen fifties style dress that was a pretty power blue and white shoes on her feet. Her fiery red hair was pulled part way up and the back down falling around her freckled shoulders.

Penelope abandoned the suitcase in her hands with hesitation as the driver took it from her.

Mrs. Rogan shielded her eyes with one hand. "Come on in. It'll be fine. He'll handle it."

Penelope tucked her purse under her arm and straightened up before she started toward the bright smiley woman. She ascended the couple steps to the front getting an up close view of the woman she'd be spending the next year or two in close quarters with.

"Oh my God." The woman said, taking Penelope's offered hand. "You are so beautiful in person." She let out a trilling giggle and placed her other hand over Penelope's. "Come. Come inside."

The entry foyer led into a spacious living space that was connected to the kitchen and dining area. All of it was overlooking a large pool area outside and--

Penelope found herself against the glass before she even knew she'd drifted there.

The ocean.

The waves lapped against the shore turning from rolling blue to white when it hit the sand.

"Liam. Glad you got off your call early. I have to leave soon."

Penelope frowned, turning to face the couple. She bit her bottom lip when she laid eyes upon the well-dressed man. He was wearing loose fitting white pants and a cream colored shirt that was unbuttoned a few at the top. Those bright blue eyes gazed at her in a casual manner.

"Your home is beautiful. I think I'm going to spend a lot of time by that pool."

The woman laughed. "At least some one will get some use out of it."

"What are you talking about Frida? I use it all the time."

The woman rolled her eyes. "All of the five minutes that you're here. Look, I don't have time to go back and forth with you. I'm leaving to go to brunch with Jasmine and Grace."


"Every Sunday."

"I thought you would cancel today."

She frowned. "Why would I do that?"

He made a confused face down at his wife. "You were well aware of Penelope's arrival."

SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now