| 46 | The Land Where Time Stands Still ||

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It was a full bladder that roused Penelope from her slumber. She'd grown accustomed to Liam's warmth over the past few weeks since he returned from his trip overseas. They'd settled into some sort of routine that felt natural. She was very aware, however, of the fact that in a few days, things would change, when Frida got back from her trip. The extra time she stayed in her tropical location went by like seconds on a ticking clock.

She moved slightly and Liam's arm which was draped around her middle flexed and he grumbled a few times before his breathing shallowed again. She cursed when her bladder screamed at the urgency of the situation. She pulled the covers away from her enough to see his hairy arm, a strange pale blue under the light of a high moon, secured around her waist.

She lifted it up carefully and slipped away then gently let his arm to rest on the bed. She walked softly, pausing when the floorboards creaked under her weight. She looked over at the rock disguised as a man, and when he didn't move she continued making her way to the bathroom.

It was curious how the bathroom, and specifically perched on the toilet, there could be so many contemplative thoughts. The most resounding thought that cut through the hazy fog of semi-unconsciouness was, what the hell was she doing?

She already knew how she got there physically, but found that she'd just been living the past couple months. Living as if this was her life, which it absolutely was not. She could never really imagine herself living in a house like this, driving the vehicle she drove, having the freedom to pamper yourself all the time, and watch movies in your basement that hadn't even hit theaters. It was incredible!

She was happy to say, now that she lived it, even in the strange usurper capacity that she was allowed, like renting a life, quite strange, she could now imagine herself in a place like this. Honestly she couldn't imagine not getting that house on the Ocean with the view, the calming splash of the ocean in the distance, and yes even the annoying seagulls. She exhaled as she washed her hands at the sink and gazed at her reflection.

She had a lot of work to do to get there, but she was never afraid of a little elbow grease. That's what her Gramie said, "All you need is a little peace and elbow grease." She smiled at the memory of watching her Gramie making a sweet potato pie. The house smelled like a hearty meal. It was hot in the kitchen, but she wouldn't abandon the room for nothin'. Not even a cold slice of watermelon, which was the promise if she ventured outside with the other kids.

"You're going to wash your skin right off the bone."

She started when Liam's husky voice precluded his person as he strolled into the bathroom.

"What are you doing up?"

"Probably same as you." As if they'd done it every day of their lives, he just whipped his penis out and started peeing in the toilet a couple feet from where she was washing her hands.

She dried her hands, trying to avoid staring. She wasn't sure why, but it felt weird watching him pee. It wasn't like she wasn't already intimately familiar with his body, near every square inch of it, but it just felt too familiar. She was pulling back the covers and finding her previous position about five minutes before Liam came strolling back in the room.

"I'm going to get some water. You want some?" He grabbed his glass at his bedside.

She nodded. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."

"Mhm, no problem."

His time away gave her a moment to think in the stillness of night. Since Liam returned from Japan, life played out like a well choreographed play. Moving through life, work, business, his work, dinner in, out or delivery, walks on the beach, or any other manner of activities seemed to flow like water down a river. The day that led to her current moment, like the other weekdays ended with them sharing unconsciousness and rest.

"This one's for you, with crushed ice."

"Thanks." She giggled taking the glass from him. She took a couple sips as he perched on the bed, gulped some water and placed the glass on the bedside table. She did the same and he whipped his legs up on the bed, turned out his side lamp, making the room fall into darkness.

Her back was to him, and she could tell he was lying on his back. She wondered what he was thinking?

After a long moment, he turned to face her and pulled her back against him. He nuzzled his face in her neck and settled there for a moment before his hands started to roam from her middle to grab a breast. She felt his lips, cold, on her skin.

She giggled at the sensation and looked back at him. He claimed her lips, his hands wandering down her naked body. She gasped when his fingers dipped between her legs.

She moaned. How was it possible to feel so good, to only hours later want someone as she wanted him? It still boggled her mind.

His fingers abandoned their play to grasp her hip and he flexed his pelvis against her butt.


"Hmm." His fingers ventured back between her thighs.

"Are you bored yet?" She panted.

"Of what?"

"Of." She moaned and gnawed on her bottom lip. "We've had sex what? three times in the past 48 hours?"

"Four actually, but who's counting?" She heard him smile in the darkness.

"Are you bored?"

"Not even a little." He pulled her shoulder to coax her on her back then started massaging her mouth with care and finesse. He maneuvered himself so he was nestled between her legs stroking her tongue, so sweet, yet sure it was twisting her insides into knots. He pulled away slightly, his eyes grazing over her face in slow swaths as if trying to memorize everything about her. He stroked her cheek then brought his mouth to hers in such a soft, tentative way that it nearly undid her completely.

She wasn't sure what to make of it because everything she was feeling, the energy she was getting from him was forbidden. She knew it; yet, she reveled in it despite herself. What the hell was she doing? This, this that felt so good, so right, was wrong, it had to be, right? She gasped when he slid inside her. His familiar intrusion always felt better than the time before. He fit snug inside her passage.

He moaned, pulled out of her then back in.

She was panting, gripping his shoulders, clutching him to her like the last food ration in a famine. The friction of their bodies was delightful, bliss, heavenly.

So good in fact, that for some bizarre reason her eyes started to leak. She didn't realize it until Liam slowed and eventually stopped moving. Still inside her he brushed the rogue tears with his thumb, concern twisted up his eyebrows.


"Don't stop."


"I'm okay. Just, please." She cupped his cheek and brought his lips back to taste hers. She breathed into his mouth, feeling his palm hold her face.

It was difficult to explain, but it was like after that moment, every sensation, every moan, every gasp, every pleasure was deeper, more impactful, more intense than the one before.

Holding Liam after their bout of passion, each slightly damp from the exertion, even as her mind was wandering off to sweet ignorant unconsciousness, a peace found her.

The last thing she remembered hearing before she floated off was Liam's voice after he kissed her forehead. "I could have you forever and never get bored."


hmmm...well...okay then... 👀*eyeball emoji*? 

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