| 4 | Reconsideration ||

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Penelope walked into the visitor's room and took a tentative seat waiting for her brother. She exhaled and tried not to allow her fidgeting fingers to get the better of her.

She started when her brother was let into the room. Her eyebrows quirked and she covered a gasp with her hand.

"Phillip." She whispered with a grimace. "What happened?" All she wanted to do was reach out and comfort him, but she knew she couldn't. She looked around to the guards briefly.

"Welcoming committee. I'm more concerned about you." His dark brows pulled together. "I heard John found you."

She nodded trying not to further her concerns about her brother's physical state. He had a black eye though it looked older. She wondered if John delivered it even after he said he would leave her brother alone. He was thin too, but had muscles hugging his slender form.

"Just trying to collect his money." She tried to make it seem less traumatic as it was.

The man looked away after clicking the side of his mouth. "That's what I was afraid of. Don't worry about it. There's a lot of stuff inside I can do. I'll work something out."

"I gave him my car and money I was able to scrape together from selling Grandma's jewelry."

His eyebrows quirked together with emotion. "Pen." He grumbled her name then hung his head. "That stuff has been in the family for generations."

She didn't stop the tears that welled up. "Don't you think I know that!" She cleared her throat and lowered her voice. "He threatened you. What was I supposed to do? Sit around on some stupid hunks of metal while they stick shivs in you. What the hell is a shiv anyway?"

He exhaled and rubbed his fingers over his head. "Look, I'm sorry I put you in this position. You shouldn't be involved at all."

"Why Phil? Why'd you do it?"

He grumbled. "It was a sure fire way to get a hold of some quick cash. All I wanted was to get up out of this shit ass life. The money I needed to open my own mechanic shop."

"Phil. Sure fire?" She failed to keep their mother out of her voice.

"I know. I know. Trust me the last thing I need is that tone from you." His black eyebrows pulled together.

She frowned and looked down at her hands trying to process the options they had. Even if he found a way to work off some of his debt, he couldn't do enough in the short amount of time they had.

"What is it, sis? What you thinkin' 'bout?" He touched her fingers for a moment before the guard yelled at him.

She looked up at her brother from under her lashes trying not to fret over his busted face. He was her younger brother. Their parents died when they were way too young. They practically raised each other even though their aunt was the custodian in charge. She rubbed her eyebrows. "John wants twenty-seven thousand dollars what he's claiming is half in three days now."

He frowned. "What the fuck?" He lowered his voice after he looked at the guards disturbed by his outburst. "That's bullshit!"

"I know, but what we gone do? Argue with him in the condition we're in? We're out here with our butts in the wind!"

"Shit, shit, shit, shit shit." He whispered over and over again to himself. "Look, I got some money stashed inside the right couch cushion, okay? Take it and get the hell out of town, just run."

"No way! We both know what the hell is going to happen to you if I run?! Are you crazy?" She looked around as if they were being overheard.

She watched her thumbs circle each other for a moment before she spoke. "Remember that business I always talked about starting?"

He nodded.

"Well, my loan got approved." She glanced up at him from under her lashes to see if he would believe her. It was plausible.

"What?" His eyebrows shot up. "T-That's great, sis."

She presented a half smile. "That's why I came down here to tell you that. Don't you worry. I'm going to get us out of this."

"You shouldn't be using that money for this. It's not your job to bail me out." He frowned down at his lap.

"It is. I'm your older sister. I promised mom--"

"We." He interrupted. "We promised her. We promised her that we'd take care of each other. I-I'm the man. I'm supposed to be taking care of you."

"Oh please. If that were the case, you and I both know we'd be in deep shit."

He laughed shaking his head. "Don't think I ever heard you swear before."

She shrugged. "Mama ain't here to wipe my mouth out with soap so shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." They laughed together.

"Or worse, having Grandma G hear you curse."

They both grimaced.

"You weren't just eating soap. You were eating switches, belts and extension cords."

"You would know wouldn't you?"

Her brother laughed. "She was fast too. Especially for an old lady."

After their laughter sobered, she took a deep breath knowing what she had to do without a doubt now. She had to swallow her damn pride, ego and anything else that was planning to stand in her way. She needed this damn money and she was determined to get it. "Wish I could stay longer, but I need to get back to the bank on this loan before they give it to someone else."

He nodded. "It's good to see you."

"You too. Stay safe." She moved to hug him, but the guard interrupted them.

"You too sis."

She let out a long breath watching him make his way back inside. She took another steadying breath, the tears threatening her.

She was on the bus several stops from home before she pulled out her phone and sent Nancy a message: "Can you tell the Rogans I accept their offer with some compensation increases for me being a virgin and the natural conception item."

A few minutes later the woman responded. "Did you have a figure in mind?"

She bit her bottom lip. She had no idea! She'd never sold her virginity before. She winced at that thought. What the hell would her mother think of her now?

"What do you think is a reasonable ask?"

There was a long pause where she thought the woman wouldn't reply at all. "Fifty at least. I'll ask for more and see how much they negotiate down."


Hello rock, meet hard place! How you doin'?

And now the real games begin! Mwahahaha! <--hehe | Next chapter we get to meet the Rogans face to face!


GET IT RIGHT NOW! No WAITING! Ends May 21st 2020My two short stories Lacey's Sinn & One Night of Sinn that were here on Wattpad, have been taken down, pulled apart, added to and put back together with glue, glitter, sweat, tears, and blood to make: Lacey's Night of Sinn! 2 DEALS are:1) FREE with purchase of Sinnful (add both items to cart to see discount)2) Get Lacey's Night of Sinn for $0.99 Always My Best,-ALEX

SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now