| 56 | Bippity Boppity Boo ||

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"Is it okay that I'm resting my head on you?"

Liam looked at Penelope who was sitting next to him on a pier overlooking the ocean. They were on their way home but she didn't want to go home just yet. He had neither the will nor desire to deny the woman; so, here they were looking out at the dark ocean beyond with the moon dancing off the surface exposing the waves in the distance and those that crashed on the shoreline.

"Yeah, of course." He exhaled just then realizing he was holding his breath when her head rested on his shoulder.

He shrugged out of the suit jacket when he felt her shiver next to him and wrapped it over her shoulders.

"Mmmm," She snuggled into the fabric. "Thank you."

There was silence for a long time as they settled into the moment.

"What are you thinking about?" He wanted to know, quite tired of his own thoughts that evening.

"Tonight mostly." She said, before yawning.

"Mmm, what about it?" He adjusted himself so he was leaning back on his arms offering her a more comfortable resting place.

"It was really fun, actually." She laughed a little bit. "So fabulous and grand, but still fun."

He laughed a little because he could hear the humor in her voice. "You know, I never thought in a million years that I would agree with that statement related to one of these black tie events." More silence. "Thanks for agreeing to go. You saved both Frida and my ass on this one."

She giggled and exhaled into her amusement. There was a long bout of silence filled with a light breeze and the sound of the ocean. "Liam?" Penelope's voice was heavy, laced with exhaustion.


There was a sizable span of silence as the breeze from the ocean and splashing of the waves filled the space there. So long, in fact, that he almost lost the conversation thread.

"I want someone just like you." Penelope slurred slightly.

His heart leapt into his chest when the impact of her words crashed into him. He seemed pulled in two by the statement. "W-what do you mean?"

She shrugged then left an excruciating silence so long that he rocked her so she would continue. "Penelope? What did you mean?"

She inhaled. "I don't know, really." Another big yawn. He knew it was far past their bedtime, that Cinderella was turning into a pumpkin, but he was selfishly holding on. To what? He wasn't sure, but he had a death-like grip on it and wasn't willing to let go. Not just yet. "We just have so much fun, and I still," she paused to yawn and stretch. He was waiting on the edge of his seat figuratively speaking, hanging on her next word. When it didn't come he broke the silence.

"You still what, Penny?"

"Hmm?" Her body jerked next to him.

"You still what, Penelope?"

"Mmm. We just have so much fun, and I still want to rip your clothes off..." Her voice was heavy, lethargic and hushed, almost drowned out by the breeze, but he heard what she said.

She took a deep breath. "Damn, did I say that outloud?" She slurred.

He laughed softly, trying to ignore the burning desire inside himself. "It's okay. I forgive you for wanting to rip these finely tailored clothes."

She laughed, soft and lazy next to him. She was close, warm and soft. "Oh, thank you gracious one for being so lenient."

He laughed too and let the breeze fill in the gap. Truth was she was the only one sitting there being honest. But how could he be?

SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now