| 15 | There Was A Line Somewhere ||

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Penelope smiled.

It was Sunday.

Liam was traveling and it was brunch day for Frida. Which left Penelope with, the pool, and the breathtaking view to fend for themselves.

She was sitting out by the pool in the shade working on some sketches. She had an in person interview coming up at a dentist office for filing records and receptionist work. Really laid back with far better pay than at the damn sweatshop she was working at near a month ago.

She hadn't had time before to get better than that, to wait for better, but now things were different. She might go out later and buy some new shoes and a new blouse for the interview. She wanted to land this gig so she could get some side money in too. All the money she was getting from the Rogans went to John. She wanted some for herself. Also money to deposit in her brother's prison account so he could get stuff he needed.

The last reason she wanted this job was to get out of the Rogan's damn house. She needed to be able to do her own stuff. She needed to recreate a life after all this baby stuff was done and the time she had was the perfect opportunity to just that.

The mention of the baby made her thoughts drift to Liam again.

He'd taken so much care the last time they were together. It was like he was doing it all on purpose so she'd be stuck in her head like she was at that very moment thinking about the entire exchange.

The first time went by so fast and she was so nervous about losing her virginity she barely remembers the details. The second time was confusing and fast and he was distant and weird, and then the last time. Well, it was safe to say everyone was present and accounted for. The last thing she was expecting was round two the next morning.

Strange how that exchange was so clear in her mind even though she was groggy, barely coming to consciousness for it. Maybe it was because she was content with just feeling him.

"Hey, Penny."

Penelope started out of her thoughts and looked back toward the house to see Frida closing the sliding door with what looked like two small containers of ice cream and two spoons.

"Frida." Penelope said weary of the temperamental woman. "I thought you had brunch with the girls today?"

"Pushed to dinner."

"Ahh," she said with a nod.

"Do you mind?" Frida said plopping down in the chaise next to Penelope.

"Of course not. It's your house."

"I know, but..." She shrugged and held up the containers with a strange silly look on her freckled face. "Which one you want?"

Penelope's mouth started to water when she saw the sweating ice cream containers that held such promise. "Hmm," she tapped her chin

"I know. Totally hard to choose, right?"

Penelope nodded as she debated. "Has to be the chocolate peanut butter with pecans."

Frida nodded. "A noble choice." She handed it over with a spoon and set back to enjoy her own which was a mint chocolate chip with macadamia nuts. "Oh yeah." Frida said with a mouth full of ice cream. "That's good."

Penelope opened the container and took her first spoonful and yeah. It was salty, peanut butter, ice creamy delight. "This is good." She looked at the container. "Fancy." She said reading the elegant script on the side of the container.

"I know, it's a splurge. I don't do it too often."

"Yeah. I uh, I thought you were getting ready for your beach trip." Number three hundred sixty two.

SURROGATE : Conception (+18) BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now