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Hands To My Self  by, Selena Gomez

Can't keep my hands to myself
No matter how hard I'm trying to
I want you all to myself

This song was just buzzing through my head while writing this chapter.


Some miles back Liam retracted his hand that was working miracles through Penelope's panties. He'd been silent ever since with a clenched jaw and furrowed brows. He was completely focused on the road, probably a good thing considering how fast he was driving.

She thought about saying something for him to slow down, but his look of determination warned her against opening her mouth. She was certain he'd sped down those roads before. She turned her gaze out the window watching the deep valleys below as they continued to wind their way up into the mountainside. Glimpses of the ocean told her they were close.

He backed into the garage taking the spot that Frida's car usually occupied which was currently in the shop getting work done.

He cut the engine.

She looked over at Liam after he just sat there for a moment not making a move to get out of the car.

If she were being honest, she was confused. Moments before he was hands all over her and couldn't keep his hands to himself. Now he was sitting there seeming to be in thought, deep thought at that.

Penelope started from her thoughts when Liam grabbed the nape of her neck and pulled their mouths together. In doing so he pulled her over the console to his side of the car and her legs, as if of their own mind, straddled his lap.

The man moaned when he angled his face over hers and delved his tongue between her lips to stroke hers.

Jittery tingles raced through her belly from her core as if there were loose electric wires in her gut, live wires, electrified. His hands formed over her butt and squeezed making her moan this time.

He turned them so his legs were hanging out of the car. When he pushed up, the back of her head wacked the car opening.

"Ow!" She rubbed her wounded scalp.

"Oh shit. Are you okay? I forgot how low these doors are."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Maybe we should go..."

"One at a time? Yeah, agreed." She tried to move her leg, but she was stuck.

"You should go first."

"I'm trying. Heel is stuck on something." She tugged, but that didn't seem to work.

"Hold on, okay. Let me try to do something."

"Yeeep!" She squealed when her foot came loose, without the shoe and now she was sitting in the driver's seat with Liam conveniently between her legs.

"Well," he said, brushing some hair away from her face. He was only a hair's breadth away. The weight of his body made that familiar longing start up from her groin and spread out. "That seemed to work."

"Yeah, now I'm missing a shoe." Humor rushed through her and came out in a cackle.

Liam's face lit up and he joined her. "Mmm, but you're free."

"Free? With you lying on me? Not sure I'd say free."

He brushed his nose against hers and closed his eyes. The loss of their blue brilliance did not go unnoticed before she was distracted by his words. "Then what would you say?"

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