Chapter 1 || A Morning Memory

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It always starts with an alarm blaring at 7 AM. 

Wake up, Sleepyhead! Wake up, Sleepyhead!

Then you always know it's time to go to the Heroic's headquarters, where you see every child who has powers that you're supposed to have, but somehow, don't. But it's all cool with me. They like having me as the leader, and it's fun to have some use in life. And luckily, it's just me who had to be powerless. I could only imagine what Wildcard would do if he didn't have powers.

Yo, Missy.

It was Wildcard. Talking in my brain again. It's not like we're telepathic, though. We would be if I wasn't powerless. Instead, we can only talk because of a joke gone way too far. Miss Granada punished them so hard for it. I remembered it like it was just yesterday.


Miss Granada often left me in front of the classroom to supervise. She claimed I was a) the most responsible b) the most capable and c) least likely to blow up the whole building. So now, as I was reading my book like the bookworm I am, I heard scuttling. And I knew at least one student escaped past the metal door. I looked up from my book and examined the whole classroom.

Noodles and Wildcard were missing. Typical.

I picked up the little microphone connecting to the intercom. I knew exactly where they'd went.

"Noodles and Wildcard, please come back to the classroom and stop annoying the hall guards! You're going to get us all in trouble! And don't tell that up dog joke. It's awful."

I turned the intercom off and waited for Noodles and Wildcard to walk through the door. When they did, I smiled, walking over to them.

"You didn't think I wouldn't notice if you left, did you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's like you're a cop," Noodles scoffed.

"No wonder Miss Granada has you watch everyone all day! You know everything going on around here! It's like you installed chips in our head! You didn't even look up from your book when we were sneaking out!" Wildcard exclaimed.

"Sure, sure, sure. I have chips installed in all your heads so I can keep track of where you are. My dad should've done that a long time ago."

"It's like you can read our minds!" Wildcard whined, "It's not fair!"

"Says the boy with all powers," I coughed, smirking.

"Says the girl with excessive awareness of her surroundings," Wildcard returned the coughing.

"Stop it." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Go back to your work."

"Yes, princess." Wildcard bowed.

"Don't call me that!" I laughed.


You see, after we had gone back to "work", I made sure Missy wasn't looking before I whispered to Noodles, who was sitting next to me.

"Wouldn't it be awesome just to freak her out for once?" I asked him.

"Why would we wanna freak Missy out?"

"Because she freaks us out everyday! She knows exactly where we are all the time."

"A Capella, did you do your dog voice again?" Missy laughed.

"How'd you know? You can't hear it!" A Capella frowned.

"It's normally not this quiet unless you're doing it. And Miss Granada's gonna..."

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now