Chapter 9 || Finding Ojo

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We trudged, watching the beeping of Wheels' wheelchair panel.

"She's close," Wheels whispered.

It was the dead of night. If we were caught now, we were dead meat. I'd kill to see what she's drawing. And I hope she's drawing me hugging a perfectly fine Missy. But I know that's not the case. I can just imagine Missy in my head. With the purple butterflies dancing around her and her gentle smile touching her lips. With her kind and soothing authority that made sure we kept in line but still had fun...

Everything. And I loved her for it.

"You're saying stuff out loud..." Facemaker made a face and I rolled my eyes, continuing to look.

That's when I saw it. The glow of an iPad. And the shimmering of the stylist. I turned on my flashlight and saw Ojo.


"Wildcard? Noodles? Wheels? A-Capella? Guppy? Fast Forward? Rewind? Slo-mo? Facemaker?"

"It's us," I confirmed, "Do you know what happened to Missy?"

"Oh... I had an awful vision of it."

She turned her iPad towards us and I almost barfed. Ojo's drawing really has gotten more realistic and in this particular case... I didn't love it. Missy was laying on a cement floor with a pool of blood beneath her. And I almost felt like it was the actual person.

"Missy..." I whispered out loud, not caring if anyone heard.

Ojo drew another drawing and showed me. It was of the spaceship landing... near our house!

"Oh my gosh! They're landing right next to our house!" A-Capella gasped.

"I noticed," I smirked.

"When is this?" Wheels asked.

"Check the photo. There must be some date!" I exclaimed.

We looked around and then I saw it. Through the window of our neighbors.

"August 31! That's a week from now! Missy could be dead by then! She's already been gone for four days!"

"Well, we'll have to see when we get there," Ojo stood up, brushing herself off, "Seems someone's a little worried."

She smirked at me.

"Shut up, Ojo," I rolled my eyes and looked out.

"So now what do we do?"

"Well, she's obviously being kept in a cell of some sort... can you mentally contact her?"

"I can try, but she might not pick up."

"Just invade her mind and look around," Fast Forward said flatly.

"I can't just invade Missy's mind! That's really untrustworthy!"

"Well, can you think of another way? If we get on the spaceship, it'll take too much time to look for her! We're all gonna get caught and Missy's gonna be tortured until she dies either way, because she's too stubborn to give up anything," Fast Forward sharply turned her head towards me.

"Fast Forward, you don't always have to be so rude to--" Rewind started but then Fast Forward got in his face.

"You know, we had a deal you would never tell anyone so SHUT THAT MOUTH OF YOURS!"

"I'm not shutting my mouth at any time!"

"Well you are because--"

"STOP!" I yelled as Missy would, "Stop. Please. No fighting. If we wanna get Missy and our parents back and save the world, we have to work together. Like we did last time."

"That was literally two years ago."

"But we can do it again. We've gone on tons of missions so far. Who's to say we can't?"

"He's right," Wheels backed me up, "We've gotta go take action. Now."

"Missy's cell... at least, from Ojo's drawing... has what looks like metal doors behind the bars. So we'll need something to break the locks and pick the cell lock."

"Guppy can probably break off the locks with her shark strength," Wheels suggested.

"I can pick locks," Facemaker made a mischievous face.

"Great! Let's do this. For the Heroics!"

We all put our hands in a circle.


"Shh!" Ojo pulled us over, "Not so loud."

"Oh... sorry."

"So you have ships?"

"Enough to fit two planets' worth, yes."

"Great! You say the aliens are just gonna suck people up using tubes that connect to their ships?"

"I'm saying exactly that."


As we tried to get sleep, I saw Missy. That was the only thing that could get me to fall asleep, nowadays. I saw her angelic face. And couldn't help but notice her pink, glossy lips. And she was smiling in front of the classroom, reading her book while the rest of us went crazy. I remember the time Guppy accidentally fell face first onto the floor. Hard. And she got hurt with a bunch of scrapes.

And Missy got up, walked over, and put Guppy in her lap, gently cleansing the scrapes and giving Guppy gentle words of calmness. Missy was always there to help anyone who needed it. She was kind, sweet, gentle, beautiful, and brave. And when she helped Guppy with her math problems, I felt like she was the mother of everyone in the classroom. But she was. She was like our older sister, even if she was six months younger than me and younger than some others in the class.

She spoke to me.

Hey, Wildcard.

Missy? Missy! Are you okay?

Of course, Wildcard... just fine...

Listen, Missy. I've wanted to say this for a while... I'm... sorry.


Because I've been such a jerk. I can't even lead these people right. We're all spiraling off and--

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Wildcard. You're leading these people to the right direction, no matter what you do. You lead by example. And that's what's important. Just remember me. No matter how far away I am from you... I will ALWAYS be there. I will ALWAYS believe in you. And I'll ALWAYS lov--like you.

Me, too, Missy... Me, too...

She cut the connection. And I assumed she was being tortured again. Something I could've prevented.

"We're gonna need a better shelter," Ojo sighed, "Trying to sleep here is useless."

"But there's nowhere to go--" I suddenly stopped, "Actually... there is some place to go. And it's not very far from our house. We just need to get a car to get there."

"I know some old car shop next to this dump. We can take one of their useless cars and drive it," Noodles raised his hand.

"Great. Let's go!"

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now