Chapter 7 || Mission Missy

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I didn't actually teleport. I turned us all invisible. When the spaceship was gone, we stayed hidden for about an hour, not sure what to do. All the teachers and students were checking to make sure everyone was okay, seeing if anyone had gotten hurt--which, some did--and trying to calm others down.

Then, like sunlight through a foggy day, I heard Missy's voice. It sounded strained. But I heard it.

I believe in you, Wildcard.

And there was nothing.

Missy! Missy! What are you talking about? Where are you? Are you okay? MISSY!

"Nothing?" A-Capella asked.

"Nothing," I shook my head, "The last thing I heard from her was literally I believe in you, Wildcard."

"Wow... your love story is really messed up!" Facemaker made a face that... was hard to describe.

"We're not in love!" I exclaimed... even if it was a lie.

I realized people were staring at us and I turned us visible again.

"I can't believe her last line to you was useless!" Fast Forward groaned, "She didn't tell you where she was being kept! She didn't tell you what they were doing! All she said in your mind was... I believe in you, Wildcard."

"Fast Forward," A-Capella put a hand on her shoulder, "We're all upset, but saying that she believes in Wildcard is something special to the both of them."

"It's literally the one line that lets Wildcard have control of his powers," Noodles explained, "Remember that time when Wildcard was useless?"

"Thanks," I gave him a look.

"Sorry, man! But, still! Then Missy came and then we all of a sudden snuck out of headquarters and kicked alien butt?"

"Yeah," Guppy sipped more water.

"Well she always encouraged me to do my best," I said.

"SO COME ON BOY!" Wheels groaned, "Just tell the girl you love her!"

"I'm not in love with her!"

He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay!" I sighed, "Fine. Yeah. I like Missy."

"No, you don't like her!" A-Capella frowned, "You love her," she sang the last bit.

"Yeah, can we focus on saving her?" I mocked her singing at the end.

That's when the alien people came back.

"Teleport!" I yelled and we all teleported back to our house.

"Okay, we need to evacuate a house we just bought."

"Great," Rewind rolled his eyes.

"It's not funny! We have to get out of here and then--"

"Get out of here? We have to save this worl--"

"Save the world? What's your big deal trying to act all sappy?"

And we began to argue, yelling at each other constantly.


I woke up and I felt like I was just hit by a bus. I felt awful. I tried to move and bit my lip to stop myself from either crying out or letting tears slip off my face. I decided to tap in on what Wildcard was doing. And boy did I get an earful.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now