Chapter 20 || Confession Circle

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"Have fun!" I called to Missy and Wildcard as they headed off on their date.

Missy was wearing the prettiest dress and Wildcard had his hair all gelled and fanciness. Missy blew me a kiss as they hopped into Chuck's vehicle. I shut the door and everyone sat down.

"What do we do?" Facemaker frowned.

"Truth or dare?"

"Nah," Fast Forward shook her head.

"Confession Circle?" Noodles suggested.

"Now that's how you get the juice," Rewind smirked and we all gathered up.

"Okay... first question... have you ever peed your pants in the pool after the age of ten?"

"Ooh..." Facemaker winced.

"Okay..." I started, "...yes."

"OHHH!" they screamed like hollering idiots. 

I'd rather be third wheeling Mildcard's date right now.


"When I was 11 and my mom and I were singing in the pool and I was using my air and... forgot to... control it."

"Control your pee hole?" Facemaker asked.

"What did you just call it?" I stared at him.

"You know... a pee hole. The one connected by a pee pee tube to your pee pee pouch."

"Oh my gosh," I gagged.

"Okay, I don't want to know the details. Let's just skip to more people."

The game went on for three hours until...

"Crushes. Who do you have a crush on in the team?"

I froze. Oh my gosh... the penalty for lying in the Confession Circle is literally awful. You have to stand... in your toilet.

"Let's start with... Wheels."

Wheels looked at the floor.

"Come on, Wheels!"

"I can't date her or anything... but... Missy. And I feel awful for liking my friend's girlfriend. But I can't help it!"


You know, I don't like Missy that much. Yeah, I'm sorry, but it's not her fault or anything. I don't have anything personally against her. She's just too nice to everyone. She gives us lollipops when we need them, she buys us all kinds of cool stuff, she's so protective of her loved ones, she's brave, and she's the most awesome leader ever.

But I guess you could say I'm jealous.

She's got the silkiest brown hair, and the most beautiful tan skin, and those pretty pink lips I'll never have. And what's so frustrating is that no matter how hard I could try to tick her off... just to make her snap so I can find a reason to hate her... she's just too nice to get mad at anyone. And I can't get mad at her. And she's so nice to me... all the time. It's like she loves me for who I truly am.

But that's not the only reason. It's because I'm kicking myself constantly for liking someone I can't have. Someone she got and not me. And I try to blame all my sadness on Missy. I try and say 'Missy did this to you'. But I can't. She looks at me everyday and smiles, saying good morning... always being a great sport. I can't do it. I can't get mad at her because she's dating my crush. And I can never hate her no matter how hard I try.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now