Chapter 18 || Back To School

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We all rode in a car, which was driven by Chuck, the hall guard outside our vault. And don't get me wrong. It was a huge car. Two rows of three seats, one back row of four seats. Just to fit all 10 people we have. Oh, and Ojo sat in the front whenever she wanted to visit. We pulled up at school and Wildcard got off first, getting my crutches and leaning them against the car. I put my hands on his shoulders and he hoisted me off the car.

"Thanks, Wild," I grabbed my crutches and leaned in, giving him a kiss.

A-Capella sang her way off, Wheels went airborne, and Slo-mo just jumped off into the grass. Chuck made sure we were all off the van before driving away, honking his goodbyes.

"He could try talking once in a while," Guppy commented.

"Or try smiling," Facemaker agreed.

We all moved over and I glanced at the map Miss Granada had given to me.

"Okay, we have eight periods."

"Nooo..." Wildcard groaned.

"Come on! It's not like we really do them that studiously anyways," I scoffed.

Period 1: Math, Period 2: Art, Period 3: Social Studies, Period 4: Science, Period 5: English, Period 6: PE, Period 7: Languages Around the World, Period 8: Electives.

"How are we gonna do Electives?" Wildcard asked me.

"Miss Granada said we'll either be training, or we'll be doing electives with the other kids."

"Like, visiting different electives?" Fast Forward asked.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "I guess."

When we reached our first classroom, I smiled. It was just like the one at headquarters... just... filled with math supplies. I took a seat at the front off the classroom, and everyone sat how they normally would. I realized there was a class rectangle on the door, so I took out a paint can from underneath a shelf, and painted the glass.

"Ooh..." A-Capella sang, "Oooooooooooh!"

"A-Capella!" I exclaimed, giving her a look.

"Fine," she sighed.

I watched as a teacher came in, looking slightly scared of us.

"Uh... hi... your math classwork for today will be pages 10 - 17 of your workbooks, read pages 5 - 8 in your textbooks, and do the class online activity... which I have written on the board. Bye!" And he was out.

I rolled my eyes.

"He's scared of everything," I sighed.


Okay... this guilt is eating me alive. I can't stop looking at him! MAN! WHAT IS GOING ON?! I'M A MILDCARD SHIPPER! I CAN'T BE FALLING FOR PART OF MY OTP! What is wrong with me? Why can't I stop imagining him smiling at me the way he smiles at Missy or the way he plays with her hair when she lays her head on his lap? I'm such an awful person!

"Hey... A-Capella? You okay? You look... stressed." Missy frowned from her seat. "Do you need some... I dunno... candy?"

Yes, I'm stressed, that's an UNDERSTATEMENT! And yes, I'll take the candy so I'll suck on it and keep my mouth from opening and SPILLING FAT ANGRY HORRIBLE SECRETS!

I nodded and she handed me a handful of little lollipops. The moment began when everyone asked.


The only person who didn't go over was Wheels.

"Wheels... why aren't you going over to... you know... fight for candy?"

"A) Missy's probably harassed enough for that candy, B) I don't like to eat too much sugar because it'll probably make my leg muscles weaker, and C) She's not gonna have enough for anyone else."

I looked into his blue eyes and... couldn't help but admire how selfless he was.

"Here," I said, giving him my yellow lollipop, "You can have one of mine."

"No, it's okay--"

"Just take it. I don't wanna eat too much sugar either," I said, pushing the lollipop into his hand.

He smiled and nodded.


He wheeled back over and I couldn't help but grin a little. When everyone had gotten back to their seats, Missy's lollipop jar had decreased by half. I honestly don't know how she fits all of that stuff in her backpack. She literally has EVERYTHING you would need. Is it like that magic expending bag Hermione has? Off topic...

Noodles stretched his head over to the door and listened.

"WE CAN BE WILD!" he exclaimed and we all threw our papers in the air, running around.

"Guys, you do realize all the stuff we don't finish because homework?" Missy chuckled, "You're gonna be stuck doing so much work tonight that you can't watch the movie!"

We didn't listen, as usual, and continued horsing around. Guppy was making water things to chase after people and I was being chased by a shark.

"AHHH!" I screamed as it drenched the back of my shirt. 

Guppy quickly retrieved the water from the fabric and we started all over again. I glanced to see Missy studiously doing her work, as usual. Missy was always the best-behaved person out of all of us. Then, I saw Wildcard. One half of the trouble duo. Noodles and Wildcard. Nildcard. But of course, the BROTP is Whildcard, which is Wheels and Wildcard. So Nildcard is basically the TROTP. Trouble.

Wildcard made Missy's textbook float up in the air.

"Wildcard! Gimme that!" she exclaimed, reaching for it.

"Not unless you give me a kiss."

"What? No! We're in school!" Missy laughed.

"TEACHER!" Noodles yelled and we all scrambled back, quickly collecting the sheets from the floor.

Wildcard sneaked a kiss in with Missy before teleporting back to his seat just as a teacher walked in.

"Strange... I thought I saw shadows moving..." he walked away.

Missy waited until he was gone before grabbing the paint can and painting even thicker coats onto the glass until it was completely blocked.

"There." she smirked and sat back down.

After fifteen minutes, Noodles put his head to the door and listened. Missy, of course, was doing her online work now, ahead of everyone else. We didn't even make it through half of the first textbook page before Noodles whispered to us.

"The hallways are clear!"

"YEAH!" we all yelled.


I stopped running and the water hit my face. Guppy frowned, staring at me. I watched Wildcard give Missy a big kiss and she laughed, trying to bat him away.

"Just have some fun with us!" he was trying to convince her.


"You're already 2/3 done! You can surely just join us!"

"But..." Missy started and Wildcard took her face, kissing it again, "Fine..."

"You like Wildcard," Guppy said.

"WHAT?! No, no, no, I don't, Guppy. You see--"

"I see the way you look at him."

How do you tell a little girl who's apparently a genius when it comes to love that YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE but you actually are?!

"Talk later," I made up an excuse. I needed more time to think.

She began to chase me again.

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