Chapter 16 || A False Belief

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It seemed... empty. Not just in the classroom, but life as well. There was no Missy at the front of the room. The only two people that seemed to be fine were Wheels and A-Capella, who were just doing their work. We were too sad to mess around. We were too tired and wounded to even run. But the thing that hurt me the most wasn't my wounds. It was Missy's empty seat at the front of the classroom. And her books already starting to build dust.

It'd been four days and I felt like I was breaking into fragments so small that they could never be replaced again. Then, Miss Granada opened the door.

"Hello, children. Someone's joining you today."

And then, it was a miracle. Missy Moreno in crutches and a spinal halo, with casts all over her, bandages all over her, but that same cute face and those same charming eyes with her flowing brown, silky hair.

"Missed me?" Missy smirked when she saw my face.

"MISSY!" we all yelled and practically tackled her.

"Careful, careful, careful--" Miss Granada tried but gave up and joined the hugging.

"B-But... you're dead--" I started and Missy cut me off by kissing me.

And it was the best thing ever.

"What do you mean, she's dead?" A-Capella frowned.

"You told us she's in a better place now," I said, "and she'll be fighting with the angels soon." I mimicked her voice.

"Oh, wow," Missy scoffed, turning to A-Capella, "You didn't be more clear?"

"More clear about what?" Rewind asked.

"The hospital's name is A Better Place and there's a karate studio down the street and their mascot is the angels."

"Oh..." the whole class chorused.

"And let's be glad that's the meaning," Wheels said while everyone attacked Missy again.

And so Missy took her seat in front of the classroom again, and returned my soul to my body.


"So..." I said as we walked in our backyard, "You have... powers..."

"Oh, forget that, silly," Missy laughed, kissing my cheek, "I'm giving those powers back to the Earth."

"What? Why?" I stared at her.

"I've been so... worried that I'd be useless when I didn't have powers. And I'm still worried about it. But now... I see what people... can do when they want it. So it's best if I give the power back to the place it was from. Where no one can reach it again."

"Oh, Missy..." I hugged her and kissed her head.

"Wait," she pulled away, "So... does this mean... you're... my boyfriend?"

"I guess... it does," I decided and kissed her again.

She smiled and went in for another one.


Missy was now in the woods with me, next to a large rock.

"Do it," I whispered.

She reached into the soil and dug a hole before I saw all the elemental power come out of her hand in an orb. So she sunk her hand into the ground and buried the powers alive. We stood back and heard the whole forest seem to rumble. And there was a blast of light before I uncovered the whole. The orb was gone. And the trees looked happier. Missy tried making a power happen and nothing was done.

"And I'm back to normal," she smiled.

We walked back home and met everyone.

"What the heck? Where were you?" A-Capella took a deep breath, "We were worried sick! We thought some alien had captured you again or something--"

"I just returned my powers," Missy explained and everyone stopped.

"You what?" Guppy stared at her.

"I gave them back where they belong. In the earth. I don't really need them anyways. I've got all the friends and family and 'power' that I need. I don't want more and I don't need more."

And that's when I saw Missy for who she was. Not some pretty barbie doll. Not some girl trying to play captain. Not a damsel in distress. A pure soul with kind intentions.

"Well let's get a movie started? Hello, people?" Missy cleared her throat and we all relaxed, relieved that we were finally back to normal. Well at least for now.


I had to attend the parent conference, which was... BORING.

"Miss Granada!" a teacher dropped her coffee.

"Clean it up, dear. You don't want to stain your white pants," I said before walking away.

I sat down far away from everyone else, next to Marcus Moreno, who had decided to come.

"Why are you the only one here?" I whispered to him.

"You decide that for yourself," he chuckled.

After the really long and boring teacher speeches were over, we all had conferences with them.

"Hi, Mr. Moreno and Miss Granada," a teacher said, "Um... we're all... shocked."

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are they going to continue going to school here?"

I glanced at Marcus.

"My daughter hasn't had the best school experience," he said, finally, "I think it might be nice if they all had classes together... on a school campus. You know... so they all know what it's like to have friends. But I don't think it's a great idea to have them together with the normal kids. They have to practice fighting and powers, but it'll be a good experience for them to... once in a while get to hang out with normal kids and to live the 'normal kid' school life."

"So," I said, making it sound more professional, "These children study online. It will be of our standards that you have a proctor. The proctor should come in in the mornings, tell them what work they have assigned that day, leave, and check in on them once in a while. They should have their own room and it must be big enough to stretch and work out. Only then will these children agree to study here at Silver Crest."

"YAY! I'LL GO TELL OUR PRINCIPAL! WE'RE GONNA HAVE SUPERHEROES AT THIS SCHOOL!" she said, screaming so that every parent turned to face her as she burst out of the room.

"Some crazy teacher," I said, giving Marcus a look.

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