Chapter 6 || We Only Last A WEEK Before Something Happens

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We were all having lunch. Like kids are supposed to. That's when I see it.

"Guys," I pointed up to the sky, "Guys... I think they found us."

"Ah, darn it!" Wildcard groaned, "We have suit up?"


"What are we even facing?" Guppy asked, sipping her water.

I stood up on the table.


And I saw it. They had fired their shots. And they were headed here faster than I could imagine. I didn't care if I looked stupid.

"TAKE COVER! THEY FOUND US!" I yelled, throwing Wildcard and the others underneath our table. The missile shot right through it and almost hit poor Guppy.

I rolled out of the way as a missile almost shot me. I stared at the sky.

"Their army's out there. Wildcard! Propellors! Slo-mo! Be ready to attack! Rewind! Be on cleanup! Fast Forward, speed up Slo-mo!"

"Crazyyy!" Bethany yelled at me, "Why are you yelling? It's not like you're a commander or anything!"

"Yeah! LOSER!" Ben taunted, but I didn't care.

Wildcard handed us all propellors and we suited up quickly.

"What the..." Ashley hid behind the teachers.

We flew up into the sky and I punched through one invader, who tackled me and we rolled on the floor. I stood up and waited for its attack. I punched it and he kicked me and we continued battling on the floor. I grabbed its arm, pulled, and grabbed one of the cafeteria chairs. So I beat it with the cafeteria chairs. Why wasn't it getting hurt?

More were coming and they all piled on me. Wildcard flew down and electrocuted one. Then he froze it. He helped me up and I sliced one's head off.

"Wildcard!" I yelled, "GO! Help the others! I'm fine here!"

"You sure--"

"JUST DO IT!" I screamed.

"Okay! OKAY!" Wildcard yelled, flying up again.

Really, I wasn't okay. But based on what I researched... I knew what they were looking for.


Guppy was going in her shark frenzy, ripping other aliens to shreds. I kicked the last one and we all exhaled, group hugging. Oh... we were wrong. The aliens began to reform. We turned, looking around.

"Oh my gosh..." Wildcard groaned, "They can reform? They can't die?"

"That's right," an alien spoke, "Invincible. Feel us now?"

"Look!" I stepped in front of them, "I know what you're here for."

"Smart princess--"

"DON'T CALL ME A PRINCESS!" I yelled, slapping it across the face.

And we fought again. I punched, he kicked, I stabbed, he ducked, I tackled, he pinned, I pinned, we rolled, and everyone else began to fight again. Suddenly, I saw an alien pretty much kill A Capella.


Rewind went back and pushed A Capella out of the way as the alien almost killed her.

"Thanks," she gasped and ran to me.

"How are we on numbers?"

"There's more," I pointed to the sky.

"WHERE'S OUR PARENTS?!" Facemaker yelled, "WHY AREN'T THEY HERE?!"

"Good question," the leader of this squad of aliens stopped fighting, "Let us speak. Your parents have been... captured. Imprisoned."

"Well we have the helpers on Ogi--"

"Ogima has been invaded. Their citizens have all been captured. No one lives on Ogima right now."

"Where's Ojo? What have you done with her?" I glared at them.

"She escaped. We don't know where she is."

"What do you want from us?"

"We are to conquer Earth. But we cannot do that, as someone has the elemental magic, and we have the junior heroics. We do not imprison people against their will."

"Then what's the point in imprison?" I scoffed, "That literally means held against their will--"

"Does it matter?! The Heroics have forfeited. That's why they're being held prisoner. We plan for them to serve us in the future. But we cannot rule Earth when the elemental powers are being possessed by someone else. And we cannot rule Earth while power is still in the next generation's hands. So Missy Moreno must resign her team from heroics. And she must give us her elemental powers."

"What?" Wildcard scoffed, "Missy has no powers."

"That's what she told you," the alien master laughed, "Sweet boy, she was lying."

"But it's true. Missy has no powers."

"False!" the alien master cackled, "So what is it, Missy Moreno?"

"I will never give up the team."

"You have powers, Missy Moreno. At least give us that."

I growled and a beam of fire burst from my fingertips, melting that alien to smithereens.


"Warning. We will torture you. We will make sure you feel all pain imaginable until you give us your powers and you forfeit the team."

"And that will never happen. Not as long as I'm still breathing."

"Take her!" The aliens grabbed me, "TAKE HER TEAM!"





"NOW!" I yelled before getting quiet, "I believe in you, Wildcard."

Wildcard teleported and the aliens all glared at me in fury.

"Come with me, Princess," the alien master grabbed me and practically threw me into his spaceship.

When the spaceship closed, I heard the alien master announce something.

"All Earth's citizens will be captured. Brace yourselves. You are made to serve us!"

And I was flown away to a barren part of Earth's land.

"Now you are going to give us the elemental power."


"We have ways. You tell us the plan, give us the elemental power, and GIVE UP YOUR TEAM!"

"No," I glared at him, "Not as long as I shall live."


What they did was something I could never imagine. They electrocuted me until I couldn't see anything but white for the whole time while they stabbed me, burned me, punched me, broke my bones... and then, after what seemed like hours, they left me there. Laying in my own blood. My own stubbornness. My own life... seeping away in front of my eyes. And I wasn't letting go.

My cell was small. It was cold. The floor was metal. It was guarded by so many metal doors with so many locks, it took a person fifteen minutes just to open it. Just like no one was going to open my locks to my team and my powers. Because I knew that dying for the world was better than living for the aliens. So laying in my hidden cell, far away so that no one could possibly find me, I stared at the ceiling as the world began to dim down.

And the last thing I could think of, I sent to Wildcard.

I believe in you, Wildcard.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now