Chapter 15 || Back to Earth

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I watched as Missy's breathing stopped and I couldn't help but hold my breath. We waited for a good ten minutes before Missy's eyes fluttered open. She breathed. She looked around. And I cried in relief.

"Missy!" I gasped, hugging her.

"You didn't think I was gonna leave, did you?" She smirked.

"We have to get her wounds fixed!" Wheels said, "Let's celebrate later!"

I walked over to check on Wildcard as Wheels fixed Missy. He was still asleep on his bed, breathing steadily. Missy's wounds had all been blasted open, and she had also received more gashes. Most of her bones had to restart healing and she had fractured her spine. Luckily she didn't break it. I couldn't stand watching her in a wheelchair.

"Go and get some sleep, A-Capella," Wheels said.




"Nuh nuh!"


"Nuh nuh nuh!"

"Fine," I sighed, going to lay down next to Wildcard on the bed beside him.

"We're a day away from Earth!" Wheels announced to all the other ships before exhaustion took over me.


When we arrived at Earth, Wheels immediately took Missy off the ship on a gurney. She was asleep of course, and I made sure to check every five minutes if she needed hot chocolate, a hug, a teddy bear, or if she was alive, practically. Wheels ran--wheeled--away to the Headquarters's hospital, which was called, A Better Place. No idea who names a hospital that. I guess they just wanna beat the other people. Missy was also assigned to fighting with the mini karate studio just  down the street called the Fighting Angels.

Though, karate kids aren't always angelic...

I took Wildcard off the ship, wheeling him down the street and to our house. At least, that's where our spaceship landed because we had all the people who lived in our state.

"Now for all you people who don't live in this city," I said out loud, "You can drive or fly to your city through the airport... once we have all our airport staff. But for now, book a hotel or something!"

I hung up on the intercom and opened the doors for all the humans to flood out in a frenzy. Ojo had flown her aliens back onto Ogima, luckily, and was now flying back to visit us one last time. We were safe. And we had saved the universe.


I woke up in my bed and realized I was at home. A-Capella walked in, handing me some water.

"Hey," I said.


"Where's Missy?" I asked, looking to see if she was in the bed next to me. Nope. It was Noodles.

"She's in a better place now."

I almost choked on the water.


"She's in a better place now," A-Capella said, confused by my sudden despair.

"No... no, no, no, no... I could've saved her!"

"Nothing could've saved her! She's in a better place now! And she'll soon be fighting with the angels!"

"But..." I sank my head back down on my pillow. Missy was dead. And I couldn't bring her back this time.

A-Capella frowned, staring at me.

"Are you okay?"

"Just... leave me alone, okay?" I said, turning over, even if it hurt my wound.

"Okay," A-Capella walked out of the room and closed the door.

I could only see Missy's lovely face, smiling down at me, laughing at the small mistakes I did, telling me to settle down before Miss Granada found me horsing around... And now she wouldn't do it anymore. And I couldn't kiss her anymore. I couldn't hug her anymore. And life was useless. Because the only thing that could keep my heart beating or the air in my lungs was Missy. And she was gone now.


Who names a hospital A Better Place? Like, what idiot does that? So now I'm laying here on a bed with wounds that could open any time if I move just the slightest bit, a bunch of broken bones that I DON'T EVEN WANT, a lot of medication and sorts, a huge ice pack on my head when it's wintertime now, and a stupid TV who doesn't have any channels that interest kids.

A doctor came in and I immediately felt defensive. I was back in the alien's prison. I was back being electrocuted and tortured and--

"Sh, sh, sh... Missy, relax. You're okay. You're back in the hospital. The aliens are gone."

Yep. That's right. PTSD. One of the worst things that's ever happened to me.

"Okay... Sorry," I said.

"I'm just here to check on your wounds and bones to see when you can get out of the hospital and back to headquarters. And... you've got some visitors."

I watched as the door opened and the one person I wanted to see this whole month burst into the room.

"DAD!" I exclaimed.

He came over to me and gently hugged me.

"I'm so... proud of you," he whispered to me.

Then, I saw people I thought I'd never see. Miracle Guy, Tech-no, Blinding Fast, Crimson Legend, Red Lighting Fury, Invisi-girl... The Heroics were here!

"Missy Moreno," Miracle Guy said, "All the Heroics have to say... we are all proud of you."

"Thanks... um..."

"Aw," Lavagirl smiled, "She's shy..."

"Aw..." every Heroic chanted and I felt like I wanted to escape the hospital because they were acting so weird.

"I... I will be king. And you... you will be queen..." Ms. Vox began to sing.

"And nothing, no nothing... could ever tear us apart," I continued.

"We can be heroes... just for one day..." everyone else chorused.

"Okay, but they're heroes for two years now," Blinding Fast stopped them.

"Oh..." Tech-no cleared his throat, "We can be heroes... just for two years..."

"Nah, the lyrics were better before," Crushing Low shrugged.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now