Chapter 17 || WHAT?! MORE?!

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It'd been three weeks and I was allowed to take off my spinal halo and just walk around with crutches instead. We were all having a blast. Going to headquarters every morning together, heading back together, having parties together, going on rides and to the movies on the weekends together... life couldn't be happier.

Except for the fact that electricity makes me have PTSD and if anyone suddenly grabs me I also get stupid flashbacks.

But all my friends are nice and understanding, so they try not to do it on purpose. Wildcard knocked on the door and I turned in my seat.

"It's open!"

He walked in, sitting down next to me.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just--"

"Reading your books," Wildcard cut off my sentence.

"Yes. Please don't tell me you just broke off part of the kitchen counter." I raised an eyebrow.

"How is it that you know everything?!" Wildcard exclaimed.

"I just do." I smirked.

I heard the doorbell ring and A-Capella sung to us.

"I'll get it!"

I opened the door to our room and peeked to see who was there. It was Miss Granada.

"Children," she said, walking inside, "I have news."

"Give us the bad news," Fast Forward rolled her eyes, "Then give us the good."

"Okay. Well, it's kinda... all a news, so I'll just say it. You'll be going back to the normal school."

"WHAT?!" we all spluttered.

"Calm down. You won't be near the other children. You'll be going on campus, of course, having breaks and lunch with everyone, but you won't always be joining their classrooms. You'll be in your own classroom, where you can train and study."

"But what's the purpose of going to an actual school if that just happens?" I spoke up.

"The point of you going to school regularly is meeting other children as you walk down the halls and such. You see, they've agreed to let you experience walking to your lockers and everything. But they've stationed Heroic classrooms all over the place. Each is designed to fit a certain subject. For example, science. The class is filled with lab items and plants. PE. It's filled with training items for you. Math. There are calculators and everything."

"That's pointless," Wildcard scoffed.

"But it's a good experience. Besides. You'll all be together. Won't that be fun?"

"Yeah, but I still need to look at Ben's face everyday," Wildcard huffed.

"And I still need to see Bethany everyday." I rolled my eyes.

"That girl's like a drooling, rabid dog." A-Capella shivered.

"You'll be fine, children. You may actually like it. We want you to experience what it's like to be normal."

"Done that my whole life." I raised my hand.

"Ha ha, very funny, Missy," Miss Granada gave me a look, "The point is, it's a good experience."

"Yeah. To deal with drama," Fast Forward rolled her eyes.

"Children, it'll be good for you. Now be ready. You start school after this weekend on Monday. They'll have the classrooms cleared out and built for you by then."

"It's like we're dangerous explosive bombs," Slo-mo said... slowly.

"Ya think?"

"Yeah... but not all of us are explosive bombs," Wildcard turned to me, "Missy's my exploding princess."

"No, princesses are lovely and sweet and gentle and they sing like ahhh to birds who sit on their windows." I raised my eyebrow at me.

"Not in my book," Wildcard kissed my cheek.

"Aw!" A-Capella took a picture and I gave her a look. "Sorry! Sorry! Carry on, lovebirds."


Okay, I know this is SUPER wrong and I feel like the worst friend ever... but I have a crush.

On my best friend's boyfriend.

But really, every girl has a crush on Wildcard. He's handsome, cute, funny, and hecka cool. But, again, I have to follow the love god's bidding and support Mildcard. Even their name is absolute perfection! Can you just imagine a ship name with my name there? A-Cacard? What is that? And Wildcard's my friend. A very close friend! We've known each other since we were in diapers! And Missy helped me FIND myself!

(A/N: Guys, how I'm describing A-Capella is like my best friend in real life I'm so happy that I made her this way she's such a great friend omggg my heart is melting)

And I wish Missy was someone you could hate. So I could have a crush on the boy who isn't the boyfriend of my best friend. But every time you look at Missy, It's like you've seen a goddess. She's nice to everyone, a heck of a good leader, and hella hot. And she was one of the people I loved the most. Besides, I know Wildcard couldn't live a day without Missy because he needed her so much and Missy needed someone like him. They couldn't live without each other.

And I can't be the cause of my best friends' death.

So I took out my camera and took another photo of them kissing. Because no matter how many thoughts of Wildcard being pretty cute went through my head, I still thought Mildcard was better. Missy then proceeded to throw her crutches down the stairs, where they almost hit Facemaker's face, if not for Noodles catching them, swung her but on the stair's railing, and slid down.

"WEEE!" she screamed and she hopped off, grabbed her crutches, and crutched on like nothing just happened.

"I want lunch," Rewind complained.

"Okay," Missy said with a smile, "I'll order some online."

I feel like her natural face is a smile. And I love it. We all huddled around her and watched as she scrolled through the cuisines on her phone.

"Anyone up for Chinese food?" Missy suggested.

(A/N: Guys, it's 2021. We're a new generation. Asian hate crimes have to stop. My mom's friend is a doctor and she had to deal with a girl who got shot in the eye for being Asian and Asian people are scared to leave their homes. It's not right. Comment #StopAsianHate if you agree on this)

"Me!" I raised my hand.

"If we have Chinese food... can we get dumplings?" Fast Forward raised her eyebrows.

"Shoosh yeah!" Missy exclaimed, ordering two dozen dumplings.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now