Chapter 10 || Another Broken Gazebo

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My world was tainted black. Just my favorite color. And now, it's covered in white as they electrocuted me and stabbed me and slashed at me and punched me until I felt like I was going to die. But I had to hold on. I had to live. For Wildcard. He was the only thing keeping my heart beating. They left me, laying on my side, my hair all over my face. Looking like a bloody mess. But underneath that brown clump of sticky, wet hair was a smile.

Because I was thinking about Wildcard's face. And it made me happier than ever.


We hopped into the car and drove.

"I wonder if we can have food," Noodles whined, "I want more sushi from that shop!"

"Later, Noodles!"



"But I w--"

"Nuh nuh."


"Nuh nuh nuh!"


That's when I realized something. There was no more fuel in the car.

"Oh my gosh, guys... We have no gas."

"OH MY GOSH!" A-Capella freaked out.

"Can you... maybe... keep us moving with your voice?"

"I-I guess..." she stuttered, "But I can't for long. I can't steer."

"I'll steer the car," I said, "You make it go."

She sang low and the car grumbled like the waking of a giant from Percy Jackson--never mind, sorry, I got carried away. When we were almost there, A-Capella finally couldn't hold it and took a breath. And we plummeted. Straight into Anita Moreno's brand new gazebo.

"MY GAZEBO!" she screamed, "WHO ARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU--"

"Hey, Miss Moreno!" I called.

"Oh! Wildcard! Kids! How nice to see you! Where's Missy?" She counted all of us.

"She's uh... being tortured," I said quietly, "And we need to stay here for a bit."

"Oh..." Miss Moreno's face fell, "Well... come inside, kids. I'll make you some food and let's talk."


We sat there and I couldn't help but feel guilty when looking at how distraught Anita's face became.

"Miss Moreno... I'm sorry," I said.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I could've prevented it and--"

"Oh, silly dear!" Miss Moreno shook her head, "Wheels warned me about you. Missy is a strong girl!"

"But what if something happens to her? And she's dead and I-I never get to say goodbye?" I exploded.

"She will be fine," Miss Moreno shook her head, "She's strong. Stronger than most. And she will get through this so you two can go on your honeymoon--"


"I know..."

"Oh," I said, eating my food.

"So just rest your sleepy head and let me tell you about a story. Of when my son was dating Missy's mother."


"Marcus loved that woman like no one else mattered. She was one of the best things that happened to him. And he saw her die in front of his eyes. You know... he accepted fate. But he still kicks himself every night. He wishes she were still here. And he wishes he doesn't do the same mistake with his daughter. So. I want you to rescue Missy. Keep her alive. Do whatever you can. And when you realize she is absolutely fine, you go there and you kiss her, hug her, and cherish her like it's the last time. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now eat that food before it turns cold."

And for once, I ate and slept full.


And here they are, asking me to give them the elemental powers and my team. So I say...

"No! Of course not!"


My pain matches pain, and there's no difference. It's the same everyday. And it would haunt me forever. After eternity, they leave and I fall to the floor like a rag doll. Because they are lifeless. Like what I want to be right now.

No, don't think that, Missy. You've gotta be strong. For Wildcard, I tell myself.

So I open my eyes, and try to make the world brighter. And easier to live in. And I see his face. Smirking cutely with that mischievous, laid-back grin. His brown hair like a mop on his head and his alluring deep brown eyes. I could swim in those chocolate orbs for ages. He smelled like a breath of fresh air every morning. And I had fallen for him.


Plain, old, Wildcard who sat next to me every day. Laughing. Joking. Getting into mischief with Noodles at his side. And that was always my last and first thought of the day. And I believed he would lead the others with the best efforts possible. And they would save the world.


It'd been six hours since we'd arrived and it was time to go to bed. So when I laid down in those comforting sheets, I grabbed an extra blanket, rolled it, and hugged it as if I was hugging Missy. And I could almost hear her singing softly to Guppy, who was sleeping in the bed right next to me. And to her lullaby, I fell asleep. Only to dream of her.

"Wildcard," she was saying from her spot at the front of the classroom.

Then she switched to saying it in my brain. Her eyes made contact with mine and electricity seemed to be the only thing going between us.

When will you ever learn? Don't freeze Guppy's feet to the floor! Missy said in my mind, giving me an eye roll.

It's gonna be funny! I protested.

Who else are you freezing to the floor?

Noodles. I smirked.

Noodles can just wriggle out! Missy scoffed, You need to choose a lot more vulnerable people to do that.

And who's suddenly Miss Mischievous? I gave her a look.

Fine. I won't help. She turned back to her book.

And boy, was she right. Noodles and Guppy both broke out of the ice and Guppy sprayed me with water. Of course, Missy stopped Guppy from going into a shark frenzy and pretty much beating the poop out of me.

"Wildcard... Wildcard..."

I opened my eyes to see all the others over me.

"AH! Jeez! Creepy much?"

"You were asleep and doing this," A-Capella cleared her throat and imitated me, "Missy... Missy... Missy... Missy... Mi--"

"Stop," I groaned, "Just forget it."

"Well come down, sleepyhead! Anita's making waffles!"


I want my abuelita's bacon and waffles... I've probably lost like thirty pounds or something!

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now