Chapter 12 || Miracles

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It was dark. It was like falling through a moonless sky. I felt at peace. And I looked below me. Below me... a wonder of colors. Black, purple, orange, and... blue. Wildcard's favorite color. Wildcard... Wildcard? Who was Wildcard?

"Missy... no, no, no, no, no..."

I felt warm tears falling onto my face. But it was distant... like I was feeling someone else's perspective.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Sorry? For what? I wanted to stop thinking and just close my eyes and go to La La Land or whatever was below me.

"No... you're not gone, Missy. You wouldn't leave me alone here in this world with no one but myself... You wouldn't allow it... I love you, Missy Moreno. I'm sorry I couldn't save you... Why? Why'd you leave me?"

"Class, this is Missy. She will be joining you today."

I saw a boy with a smirk playing on his face, his dark brown eyes glinting.

"Do you believe I can?"

"We all believe you can."

I was now looking into his eyes and he was smiling.

"Lead by example."

"I believe in you, Wildcard."

I knew I had to repeat those words again. I didn't know why, but I had to. I felt someone blow into my mouth and I felt my sinuses clear up. I could breath fresh air... and it smelled like him. I had to say it. So I struggled. I reached the top and almost bounced back into my own body. And I saw colors. So I said it.

"I believe in you, Wildcard."


"Please don't tell me I'm seeing this," I said when Missy's eyes opened.

She stared at me for ten seconds before whispering, "Nope."

I felt all the tears fall again. Happiness. Relief. Joy. I hugged her and she slowly put her arms around me. She was here. Breathing. Alive. Smiling. Keeping my body warm and moving.

"Guys, sorry to spoil the love fest, but we need to fix Missy. Like... now," Wheels said.

I nodded, scooping Missy up and running.

"Do you think our old house is safe now?"

"Yep. Assuming the aliens didn't stay here."

"They just want people," Ojo rolled her eyes.

"But... It'll take... a... long... time... for me to..." Missy wheezed and I shushed her.

"Don't talk."

She rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but chuckle. She was still plain old Missy. Wheels opened the door to the house and motioned for me to put her on the floor. So I did. I heard her groan in pain. And it hurt my ears worse than A-Capella's highest pitch.

"Noodles! Get the first aid kit! Guppy! I need some water!" Wheels exclaimed.

Of course, no one else could heal Missy like Wheels. He was the smartest person of the squad. Guppy returned and Wheels took out a rag, dipping it in the water.

"This might sting, okay, Missy? Just try and stay awake. Guppy will slap you if you don't."

Guppy nodded. Wheels then proceeded to clean out Missy's wounds. And boy did she scream. It was like hearing my own horror story. No, not hearing. LIVING it. Fast Forward shoved a cloth in Missy's mouth to muffle her screams and soak up her tears. Meanwhile, Guppy went to wash off Missy's face. After what seemed like forever, Wheels had finally finished cleaning Missy's wounds and Missy was... somewhat clean. Wheels then proceeded to stitch them up.

"Ointment! Bandages! Gauze!" he yelled and Ojo grabbed them.

Wheels applied ointment, put the gauze on, bandaged it up, and then, examined her broken bones.

"Looks like she's got... a broken collarbone... a shattered arm... a broken leg... Oh, and she's got a concussion. She's also been shocked multiple times."

I felt like the weight of a dozen worlds crashed down on me.

"Will she be able to fight in that battle?"

"Wildcard, don't belittle me. I'm going to fight no matter what happens."

"You could die if you go into battle," Wheels insisted.

"And what if I don't care?" Missy's eyes flashed, "If I wanna give my life to save this world, that's my choice. And I'm going to do it."

When Missy says something like that... she means it. And there's nothing you can do about it.


I walked up to Missy's bed, where she was resting. I walked in to see her awake, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey," I said, walking into the room.

"Hey," she sighed, "Do you have a plan?"

"Well, we're planning on taking Ojo's ships to battle the aliens."


"What's the goal?" I asked her.

"You're asking me?"

"Well... From what I've heard, these aliens don't have a planet. They live in their spaceships."

"So... we need to blow up their spaceships?"

"Yep. That's their main weakness. But they have a strength, too. You can't penetrate the mother ships with missiles and sorts from Earth or anywhere else. You have to explode it from one of the other little ships."

"No way."

"Yes, way. There are two to fit all their inhabitants. But you only have to trigger one for the whole two ships to literally KRABOOM!"

"Kraboom?" I chuckled.

"You don't make an ounce of sense, either, okay?" Missy laughed, "But if we manage to shoot one of the ships with a beam, it'll explode."




"Using that much force makes the ship practically useless, so it'll self destruct immediately as the beam is released."


"If we blow up the mothership, we might get blown up, too."

"So I'll do it. Because I can teleport."

"No. I'll come with you."

"No! You'll--"

"--get hurt? Yeah, no. You see, the ship has alien language written all over it. And some stupid alien had left some old dictionary in there... it was covered in bugs and stuff... So I learned some of their language. I'm the only one that can read it."

"Okay, so?"

"So you and I sneak on, then we push the button. The moment the button is pushed, the whole ship explodes. So you need to teleport us out of there."

"Kay. And then all the aliens are gone?"

"Yep. Then they're all gone."

"Cool. I'm all in."

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now