Chapter 8 || A Band Of Idiots

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After we got the plan sorted out, we worked on how to find Ojo.

"I don't think she's on any other planet other than Earth. It's obvious that she has to be down here."

"But she's trying to stay hidden and everything. And we all know Ojo's the master at hide and go seek."

"Yeah... cuz she wins every time," Facemaker rolled his eyes.

"Now's not the time to get sour," A-Capella cut in.

"Thanks, A-Capella."

"No prob."

"Can't you track someone with their iPad?" I suddenly asked.

"Yeah... I think so... why?"

"Well, Ojo's obviously not gonna leave without her iPad. It's like her most prized possession. Ojo's gotta be carrying it around. If we can find a way to track her device, we can find her through that."

"Great idea! But how do we not risk getting caught?"

"Just dress up like you normally do. Don't suit up."

"Okie dokie," I shrugged.

Wildcard led the way. But... he looked lost. After two hours of walking around, I called a break.

"Guys, let's sit down and get a break."

Everyone agreed and I wheeled over to Wildcard, who was sitting, staring blankly at the floor.

"What's going on? You look lost."

"I am lost, Wheels." Wildcard's barrier broke down as his chocolate brown eyes met my light blue  ones. "I'm always lost. Without Missy this whole place is out of order. It's chaos. I didn't realize how much Missy was to our team... until we lost her."

"No. You didn't realize how much Missy meant to you until you lost her."

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't teleported out... maybe if I had--"

"No, no, no, Wildcard. You're blaming yourself."


"No. You can't blame yourself. Believe me, I know."

"What do you mean?"

"Before my dad was... well... Miracle Guy... and don't tell anyone because he's never revealed this story to anyone before... He was a nice dude. Not arrogant, not all about his social status... and you know, my dad's still nice. He's better now. But the one time in his life where everything went downhill was... when my mom died."

"Your mom died?"

"Yes. I... don't really like to talk about it."

"Then don't--"

"No, because talking to you about it is more important than keeping myself from thinking about it. Because I don't want you to make the same mistake. You see... It's the same with Missy's dad."

"You know?"

"Yep. Marcus Moreno's seen me in diapers! Why wouldn't he tell me?"

"I thought your dad hated--"

"He did. When they were younger and both had wives, they were fine. You see... they both lost their spouses in the most devastating ways. But both had different turns. While both blamed themselves, Marcus Moreno believed in second chances. He knew that it wasn't his fault and that fate had its hand on how his wife would die, and how she would go. He believed she was satisfied and that's what mattered to him. He still had his daughter. And that was his key to finding happiness."


"My dad... well... the moment my mom died he became a whole different person. He blamed himself. He told himself he could've been better. That he could've saved her. That he could've changed destiny and that if he hadn't been the way he was, he could've still had a wife. And that I could grow up with both parents in my life."


"He grew bitter. He blamed himself every day. He cried every night. But he made a mistake while they were in a relationship. He tried to look strong. Tried to act strong. Tried to act as if his wife was too weak to defend herself or that she couldn't do anything without him. Never told her once that he loved her. And that ended up killing her instead of helping her. He still lives with grief today, Wildcard. It stayed with him through his whole life. While Marcus Moreno is over his wife, he still loves her. Still wants to see her someday. But he knows life moves on. And that fate is fate. And my dad... grew so envious of how well Marcus Moreno lived compared to him, suffering the same fate."


"So my point is... If you love her, say it. If you wanna marry her, say it."

"Stop, Wheels," Wildcard's face twitched up slightly in a smile.

"And you belittle her when she is stronger than many of us will ever be. So don't belittle her. Do things while you can feel them. And hug her... kiss her like its the last thing you'll ever do with her. Only then, will you live life with her to its fullest."

"Hey, wisemen!" A-Capella ran over, "You done chatting about your personal lives? We've gotta go find Ojo!"

"Coming!" Wildcard called, "And... thanks, Wheels. I'm glad to have you as a best friend."

"Me, too."

I grabbed Slo-mo's hand.

"Come on, Slo-mo. Hang onto my wheelchair."

"O...kay..." he said... slowly.

He hung on and I rode with him, Wildcard running up behind us. And only then did I realize, we are one band of idiots running around the city talking about love while the aliens are busy trying to suck us into their spaceships and torturing our leader.


The world is dimmer every day. 

Gloomier. Sadder. Colder. Lonelier. 

But I know if I try and escape... it will only hurt my friends and my family. I stared at the ceiling and only wondered... 

Wildcard... Where are you? Are you safe? Are you eating sushi at a sushi restaurant? Developing a plan? Talking about how you wanna spend your life with a girl?

And surprisingly, I got an answer back.

Yep. How'd you know? Are you seriously tracking me?

Nope. I just... I just guessed.

Well you guess really accurately. Missy... don't go. Stay there. Hang on. We're coming.

No, don't follow me. They're after--

Just hang on and wait for me. Please.

Okay. I will.

And the guards come in, so I cut the connection. And as they torture me, I smile. They get confused. And I smile even wider. Even if the slaps come harder and the blood runs faster, my smile grows wider until I can almost feel his thick brown hair and his protective embrace around me. Like a shield from any pain I could feel.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now