Chapter 5 || School DRAMA

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I stared at Missy as she stared at the board. Her brown hair flowed so silkily in the wind and when her brown eyes were focused, it was honestly kinda cute. She was wearing black... as usual... and this time, she even added some black eyeliner for effect.

"Wildcard!" I turned my attention to the board.

"Wildcard, is there something we should know about you and Missy?" the teacher raised his eyebrow.

Missy frowned, looking at me, confused.

"Nothing," I said.

"Then turn your eyes on the board! Not on her!"

Way to make a scene, Mr. Wells.

What was that all about?

I was trying to communicate with you.

Oh. Okay.



When we got out of the classroom, I saw a girl walking over. She was wearing these pink heels, a pink dress, some pink shades... and even had pink highlights in her hair. Ouch... my eyes!

"Hello, Missy," she said, looking at Missy.

I could tell Missy was uncomfortable.

"Hey," she said, trying to look polite and nice.

"Decided to come back to school and ditch with the heroics, didn't you? Knew you'd be useless?"

Something about this girl struck my nerves.

"Don't talk to her that way," I said.

"Wildcard," Missy said to me, "I'm fine. It's okay. This is--"

"Bethany. Nice to meet you, Wildcard."

Okay, either this girl has a speech defect, or she's flirting with me.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend," I covered.

Missy stared at me in shock. Yeah... I shouldn't have said that.

"A girlfriend?" Bethany scoffed, "Please! Don't let it be Missy. I know you're talking about me and not this big tan lump of trash."

"Wildcard let's just--" Missy started but I ignored her.

"Don't call her that."

Bethany grabbed my arm and started trying to drag me away from Missy. I pulled my arm out of her grasp and looked her dead in the eye.

"Look. It's not okay to say those kinds of things to people. Especially my friends," I glared at her.

"Whatever you say, handsome," Bethany sighed, flipping her hair.

"You shouldn't have done that," Missy sighed.

"What do you mean? She was picking on you!"

"Yeah. But she hates it when people stand up to her. She has a brother. Named Ben. And she'll probably use him to hurt you in some way. That girl's got massive power."

"Not really. She's not really powerful at all," I smirked.

Missy shook her head.

"You just wait, Wildcard. And watch your back."

She walked off to her next class. The ONLY one I didn't have with her. PE. I leaned against my locker, thinking about what she had just said.

You just wait, Wildcard. And watch your back.

I put my books in my locker and headed down to the boys' gym locker. When I got there, Facemaker was already putting his clothes on.

"This is so invasive," he hissed to me, "We're changing in public!"

"That's so weird!" Noodles shivered.

"Yeah... so... weird..." Slo-mo said.

"Aw, man! Fast Forward isn't here to speed him up!" Wheels sighed, "And I'm having trouble getting these gym shorts on. Someone help me."

I grabbed his legs gently and slipped them on. Noodles stretched his arms and pulled those shorts up.


Suddenly, I saw a dude. A hot dude. He pulled the underwear of some dude.

"OW! Hey, Ben! Not the time to give a wedgie!"

"Your underwear was showing! You were asking for it!"

"Hide your underwear straps," I hissed and we all tucked them in as best we could.


After school, I met with Missy at our lockers.

"So," she started, unpacking her books, "How'd your day with classes go? Has Ben tried to hurt you yet?"

"No! Of course not! He didn't even look at me. And damn! He's hot!"

"Hottest boy in the ninth grade. Honestly."

"So what are we doing now? Well... I guess we're just gonna hang around here for a couple minutes waiting for everyone to come... and get some frozen yogurt?"

"Sounds good to me."

And that's when I knew my time to suffer had come. When Ben walked towards us.

"And here he is," I whispered to Missy.

Missy turned around and eyed the teenage boy with dirty blonde hair and those shimmering blue eyes that I didn't have. Wait, why was I comparing myself to him?

"Hey, Missy," Ben looked at Missy.

"Uh... hey... Ben..." Missy said, confused.

"And... oh... Hey, Wildcard," Ben gave me a look.


"Do you wanna go to the ice cream shop, princess?" he said it straight to Missy and for some reason... it ticked me off.

"Please don't call me princess," Missy eyed him fiercely, "Only Wi--my friends get to call me that."

"Suit yourself, Princess."

"I'm not a princess!" Missy exclaimed, suddenly bursting with fury, "Look. You can bother me all you want, but don't go picking on someone new who doesn't even know your reputation! You're such a jerk!"

Everyone in the hallways stopped, staring at Missy.

"You shouldn't have said that," Ben glared at her.

"Miss--" I started but Missy pushed me back.

"Stay there," she stared into my eyes, "And don't try and help."

Ben punched and she ducked. He tried to grab her and she punched him... in the place where the sun doesn't shine. He bowled over. In fury, he grabbed Missy and threw her roughly to the floor. Missy gave me a glare as I started to move.

Don't. Move. she growled in my mind.

Instead of getting up, Missy punched him in the face one last time before a teacher came and saw their position.

"Ben! To the principal's office!"

Missy smirked and waved goodbye at him, getting up and brushing herself off.

"You good?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I didn't even scrape a knee," she laughed, "Knew he'd get in trouble in the fist fights. He does it every time. You just wait on the floor and it looks like he's the one fighting you, not you fighting him."

"Smart girl."

"Why thank you, Wildcard."

We all headed off to the frozen yogurt shop.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now