Chapter 11 || We Rescue Missy

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When it was finally the day, we got out of bed with our regular clothes on. Anita made a very nutritious breakfast for us and gave us a pep talk.

"Now you're going on that ship to save Missy and the world. Remember to be cautious. Don't get reckless. And remember. Everything's gonna be just fine." 

I saw Wildcard looking nervous.

"What's going on, Wildcard?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm nervous about leading everything... what if I fail? I'm gonna puke! What if Missy's not okay? What if--"

"Stop that, dude," I put my hand on his wrist, "You've gotta go save the love of your life!"

"Oh my gosh, Wheels! Stop that!"

"But you love her?"

"I guess... sorta."

"Then let's go, Mr. Sleepyhead!" I gave him a good whack on the back and he nodded gratefully.

"Good luck, children," Anita blew us all kisses, "Send my love to the mission! It shall prosper!"

We hid in an alley.

"Ojo? Do you have any clues?" I asked, glancing back at her.

She was definitely drawing something. And I saw... everyone except for Guppy and Facemaker waiting outside the spaceship? I flipped through her other drawing previously. It was Guppy's head sticking out from the neck of a very fat alien.

"Guppy's an alien?!" I exclaimed.

Ojo shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"Guppy's inside Facemaker's alien costume. She's why there's the huge belly. That's her body and she's in a harness on Facemaker."

"Oh... because they're gonna find Missy and stuff..."


"Alright guys. So the plan is that we all stay outside the spaceship over there," I pointed to the abandoned alley, "And Facemaker sneaks on with Guppy. They'll get to Missy, and then, we'll get her off the ship."

"How are we supposed to carry a bloody girl through the crowds without the other aliens noticing?"

I watched as the spaceship opened.

"No time. We have to hurry now."

And the tubes of people sucking began.

"Take cover in the trash can!" Ojo hissed and we plunged into the stinky mess.

I watched as Guppy got into Facemaker's suit and he changed his face. Facemaker then walked to the ship.


I have no idea why I had to be in Facemaker's belly out of all places, but I know that if I was out in the open, it would've been obvious. I heard the aliens talking and then, I heard Facemaker make an attempt.

"Greetings, fellow aliens," he said in the deepest voice he could muster.

I heard a lot of footsteps.

"I'm really confused," Facemaker whispered to me under his breath.

"Are there labels?"

"Yeah... but they're written in a weird alien language."

"Ojo's drawing had us sneaking into a purple entrance," I hissed.

"Okay. I'll go find a purple entrance!" Facemaker looked around and began to walk again.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now