Chapter 4 || Another Secret!

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You'd think I should know by now whether I have powers or not. And I'm telling you. I'm a freak and I don't have powers. At least... I thought I was. I guess not. You see... I wasn't telling Wildcard everything last night. School's not the only reason I'm nervous.


I was walking downstairs to the kitchen when I noticed the door was unlocked. In the middle of the night! How stupid were we? I started to close it, but then I noticed the time. It was 4:00 AM. Guess it wasn't night anymore. But I remembered one short memory from when I was little. My mother held me out in the summer at 4 AM after I wouldn't stop crying. And I stared at the colors in the sky, always disturbed that it was so dark out. I wanted pink to join the sky. Boy, I was so weird.

I walked outside, feeling the cold concrete beneath me. I dipped my foot in water. But it wasn't wet. I frowned and put my hand in. It wasn't wet. What the heck? I threw my hands up in frustration and the whole pool water just went up like a volcano before splashing down all over me.

"What the..." I whispered, "I don't have powers... Guppy?"

I turned. I went upstairs to see Guppy sound asleep in her bed. I ran back down. I decided to ignore it and instead, I sat down on the concrete. Too cold and hard. I wish there were plants on the floor instead. Wait... I looked to see vines growing out and my hands glowing green. Oh my goodness what is happening?

I was now sitting on vines. Yay. I looked up at the sky, nervous. Was I having powers? What was going on? The sky changed color as if automatically. It changed into black and purple. What? those were the two colors I was just thinking about! I looked around nervously. Did I just... get powers?

"Not possible..." I whispered.

I ran inside and turned on my computer.

Search: What superpower controls water, plants, and colors of the sky?

ELEMENTAL SUPER POWER. Controlling elements is a "superpower" but isn't really one. Because elemental magic can only happen once a person reaches their teen hood. But it is extremely rare. Elemental super powers can only be granted to those of descent of power-holding relatives, but has none. However, it isn't "granted". Instead, it is earned. And when the past person who took control of the elemental superpower is satisfied with their amount of power, they could pass it down to someone, or they could put it back. But no one has put it back. Once the elemental magic is put back where it is found, it can never be retrieved. And Earth shall control it instead.

I sat back, in shock. Whoever last held the elemental superpower had passed it on... to me? That's when I checked the time. 5:30 AM. I should probably get upstairs. I closed the glass sliding doors, locked them, ran back up the stairs, into my bed, and pretended to be asleep. But there was no one to pretend for, so I just lay there, awake. Thinking about how my life could've turned around so quickly.


And now we were all comparing schedules. Well, not Guppy, because she was hanging out with the first graders.

"Guys, we need to be very careful. We're lucky we have all the same classes. But you guys can't show any signs of your powers. Fast Forward and Rewind, make sure to continue speeding up Slo-mo. If he's always in slow-motion people are going to be WAY confused. And let's just hope Guppy doesn't kill one of her classmates by accident," I winced.

"Let's go," Wildcard said, opening the door.

After you, milady.


I sat down, staring at the board. Wildcard took the seat next to me... well, all of us got the last row.

"Hello, children."

Miss Gosselin walked in.

"Welcome to my Math class. Today, we'll be doing a fun 'get to know you' math game!"



"Hello!" Mr. Murphy chewed on his celery stick, "I'm Mr. Murphy, your science teacher this year!"

"Oh my goodness..." Wildcard whispered to me.

"Don't whisper oh my goodness!" Mr. Murphy had to point at us, "If I hear that again you'll sit in my corner!"

Better upgrade than what it is now.

Yeah, right? It's literally so much more comfortable.

Is he normally this mean?

Of course! He's drinking CELERY JUICE and EATING CELERY.


"I'm Ms. Pealoff. You'll be learning history with me this year," she said sharply then turned around to write stuff on the board.

Peal off?

Stop the jokes. I rolled my eyes at him.

But her makeup's literally peeling off! Look!

I looked and gagged. I knew Ms. Pealoff was old and unmarried but WOW I didn't know her skin peeled like that.

Ew! Why'd you make me look at it?

Better you didn't get surprised and see it instead.

I'm having nightmares either way, but true.


"I'm your Art teacher," Mr. Blangogg muttered, "Flip to page one of your books."

This dude seems like he's dead or something.


"Why are you two staring at each other?" a kid who was sitting behind us whispered and we turned sharply.

"No reason," I replied quickly and turned around before she could say anything else.

That was close. Wildcard kept his eyes focused on his book.

Yep. But why do we stare at each other again?

We're not gonna make random facial expressions to our books, now are we?

I can see you smirking out of the corner of my eye. They must think you're crazy.

But we ARE crazy.

So true.



Oh my gosh he knows nothing about music! I contacted Wildcard.

How do you know?

Because I had to take a music class when I was in sixth grade. I know how to play a piano and Scarlatti doesn't sing, he plays instruments. And he's not from the romantic period, he's from the baroque period.

Music nerd... Wildcard teased.

Oh shut it. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay, what is with you two?" the kid from earlier was peering at us.

Yeah, this kid is definitely stalking us, Wildcard joked.

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