Chapter 19 || Snack--Slap--Break

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(A/N: One OTP done! Mildcard is official! Now... we need a second OTP. WHACKAPELLA!)


I stared at Wildcard as he nudged Missy.

"Come on, Missy. You've lost forty pounds on that ship. At least eat something more than just half a bagel with cream cheese!"

Missy groaned and he gave her a kiss.

"Hey!" a teacher yelled, "NO PDA IN SCHOOL!"

Missy grabbed Wildcard's hand before it could most likely freeze ray the teacher.

"No. In real school, you don't use your powers against other people," Missy said sternly.

Wildcard relaxed and we continued eating the bagels provided. And then... trouble. Bethany and her dumb friends.

"Missy," she looked Missy up and down, "You're thin as a stick."

"Thanks," Missy raised an eyebrow.

"I guess you're so fat shamed you starved yourself," Bethany mock pouted.

I immediately felt defensive.

"She did it for you!" I said, growling dangerously.

"Oh, shut it, little puppy," Bethany laughed and petted my head. That little... "Let's see what your powers can do about this."

She poured her water bottle all over Missy. And I went into beast mode.

"Aw... look who doesn't have powers after all." Bethany smirked.

And I went crazy. I slapped her right across the face. Hard. She fell to the floor.

"A-Capella!" Missy exclaimed, "You don't--"

"Who did that?" a teacher came forward and before I could say I did, Missy pushed me out of the way.

"I did," she said, "I hit Bethany across the face."

"She didn't! It was m--" I exclaimed but Missy cut me off with a look.

"It was me. I promise you."

"Bethany spilled water all over her!" Rewind exclaimed, "That can't be allowed at your school!"

"It isn't. That's why Missy and Bethany will both be coming with me to the principal's office," the teacher said, "Come along, now."

Missy gave me one last look.

"Be good," she said before walking away with the teacher.


"Look. Slapping people is not acceptable at this school," the principal said, "Surely you know that, Missy."

"Yes, sir," I said.

"And you," he turned to Bethany, "How could you say that to her? That she's 'skin and bone' and pouring your water on her. You know, she gave up parts of her life for this planet to still be here and not sucked up by some alien ship."

"What's the punishment?" Bethany sighed, chewing gum and examining her nails, "I need to get back to my crew."

"You call them your crew?" I scoffed, turning to her.


"It's called... friends," I glared at her.

"Whatevs," Bethany rolled her eyes, "All I know is that Missy could've left a mark on my face!"

"Please," Principal Jackson scoffed, "Missy's on crutches. Okay. Missy, you're off the hook but next time I hear you do something like this, you'll be given punishment. I understand it's hard to control your powers--"

"She doesn't have any powers," Bethany smirked, "She's useless and powerless."

"As for you, Bethany, I'll have to call in your parents, or you could serve detention twice a week for a month."

"Call my parents," Bethany rolled her eyes.

I took my crutches and walked right on out of there. I went over to the arts classroom, where everyone was sitting now. I opened the door and everyone relaxed.

"Oh..." Noodles exhaled, "It's just you. I thought you were a teacher."

"How'd it go at Principal Jackson's?" Fast Forward asked.

"Like you'd expect," I rolled my eyes, "He let me off the hook because I'm on crutches."

"I'm happy you're out of trouble, but just because you have crutches is a pretty bad excuse," Wheels chuckled.

"It's not funny," I said, "You guys really need to understand more about this school. The people here, what not to do, what to do, what to say, everything."

"Okay," A-Capella stood up, "But in turn, you have to promise us that you will stand up for yourself."

"What do you mean? I've stayed alone my whole entire life. And I was fine. I didn't act scared, angry, sad... I just stayed emotionless. I let her do it. And she leaved me be," I said.

"Yeah, well, she's not leaving you be now that you're the school's big news," Guppy said, giving me a look, "Even I know. And I'm seven!"

"Fine," I sighed, "Let's get your facts straight."

I erased the words FREE DRAW on the board and began to draw.

"So, these are the main bullies. Bethany and her brother, Ben. Ben's the boy bully, Bethany's the girl bully. These two girls behind Bethany..." I drew them out, "...are her 'crewmates'. That's what she calls them. Their names are Hailey and Hannah."

"Wow," Wildcard rolled his eyes.

"And these two people behind Ben are his 'henchmates' as he likes to call them--"

"That's... just... stupid..." Slo-mo said.

"Try telling him that," I scoffed, "Their names are Derek and Daniel. Stay away from those six people. Don't get them mad, don't get on their bad side, and avoid them as much as you can--"

"But if they try and pick on us we'll still blow them to bits," A-Capella stood up, "Because I am not gonna watch any of my friends get blasted apart by some wimpy little girl named Bethany."

"How do you even think I lasted a life with her?" I raised an eyebrow. "I had to think of some things to say when I heard you guys would be coming around!"

"What do you mean?"

"I knew you'd guys would flip when you saw her. Ojo drew a bunch of drawings to show me on her last visit."


"Really. So I've been studying Bethany by purposely drawing attention to myself so I could come up with different things. Did you really think it was just me being a Heroic that got her upset? No! I put a moldy sandwich in her backpack, put crickets in her locker, turned her white purse pink... A lot of stuff."

"So you were trying to get her to pick on you?" A-Capella looked like she had just been punched in the stomach.

"Yeah," I said, "because Bethany is never gonna bother us again unless she wants to be humiliated verbally by us again."

"That's the Missy we know!"

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now