Chapter 14 || Epic Heroic Smackdown Part 2

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Missy didn't want the kiss to end, but she pulled away and checked with Wheels.

"We good?"

"Yep. All ships are loaded full and no one is left on the mother ship. The scouts have all been blown up. We're a safe distance away. It's your turn now! Do it quick!" Wheels yelled.

Wildcard grabbed Missy and held her close.

"I love you," he whispered to her and kissed her just as he pressed the button.

Missy pushed Wildcard back so that she was in front of him and screamed as she felt the impact of the blow and they were teleported out of there onto the smaller ship. The crowd on the other spaceships all watched as Missy and Wildcard's spaceship burst and the mothership did, too. It was silent in the galaxy. And Tech-no put his arm around Marcus Moreno.

A-Capella waited for her bestie to be okay and pop up right in front of her. Wheels did the same. And like a pop of bliss, Missy and Wildcard tumbled out on the floor in front of them. They were already covering the floor with blood from gashes and broken bones were obvious all over their bodies. They smoked from the electricity and the explosion. Wildcard coughed aggressively, seeing his burnt clothes and feeling like he was being eaten alive.

"Check... Missy..." he coughed, "She... was... closer... to... the... ship..." was the last thing he said before he saw nothing.

"They've inhaled toxic fumes from the explosion! Quick, A-Capella! Get them on oxygen right now!" was all he heard from Wheels as his whole mind went blank.

Missy looked at the passed out Wildcard and saw A-Capella's horrified face.

"No! There's only one oxygen mask left!" she exclaimed.

"Give it to Wildcard," she wheezed.

"But you have asthma--"

"I haven't had an attack since I was 5. Now give it to Wildcard. It's an order," Missy demanded.

A-Capella stumbled into the area and gave him an oxygen mask. Missy felt pain all over her body and the world dimming down and turning dark.

"Stay with us, Missy!" she could hear Wheels's voice through her darkening mind.

But no matter how many voices stayed in her head telling her to stay awake, she couldn't. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She could only watch as the world turned black and she floated down through memory lane.

"Just catch it!" Wildcard was teasing her.

"No! Miss Granada's gonna walk in any second and see us with this whole place a mess!"

"It's okay! Rewind can fix that!" Wheels laughed, catching the ball.

"Fine," Missy rolled her eyes and held out her hands.

The ball went flying to her.

"Two packs of candy and I bet she will catch it," Facemaker whispered to Noodles.

"What? No! That's a stupid bet! You'll obviously win," Noodles scoffed, "I'm not DUMB."

And Missy caught it in her fingers but then, she heard the metal door switch and she dropped the ball.

"And you said you wouldn't win," Facemaker made... well, a face at Noodles.

Wheels zoomed around, picking up all the garbage and everything, making sure everything was in neat before the door switched open and Miss Granada walked in. Missy quickly began to read her book.

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