Chapter 13 || Epic Heroic Smackdown

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We'd all been staying in the house for a week already, which was all the time Missy needed before she could be up and around. And today, we were traveling to Planet Ogima. I woke up, looking to make sure Missy was okay.

"Wildcard, I'm fine!" Missy called from the bathroom, "I'm just getting ready! You don't need to worry about me!"

"She's right, you know?" Guppy suddenly spoke and I jumped. "When did you get here?"

"Just a couple seconds ago. But still. Missy's really strong. She'll be okay! Share your moments with her like they're the last!"

"And you're all of a sudden a 7-year-old love counselor?"

"Yes. Now go kiss her already, man!"

I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs to see Ojo making breakfast.

"Oh, hey Ojo!"

"Hello, Wildcard. Would you like a poached egg?"

"Uh... sure!"

She put it in a bowl and dribbled some soy sauce on it.

"Why'd you--"

"Just try it."

I frowned, putting my lips to the bowl and eating it.

"Oh my gosh you're a genius!"

"Thanks," Ojo smiled and continued cooking.

Fast Forward, Rewind, and A-Capella were down now. Slo-mo was last, again. Missy had even beat him down the stairs!

"So... Missy and I have a plan," I said.

"The aliens don't have a planet. They live in a spaceship..." Missy told them the plan.

"That's smart," Wheels nodded, "But that risks yours and Wildcard's life."

"They die together," Fast Forward shrugged.

"Fast Forward..." Rewind gave her a look.


"We're not gonna die," I said, "After the mothership is destroyed, we're all good. Just make sure all the scout ships stay within a line. Surround them."

"Okay," everyone chorused.


"But wait! Who's gonna control all the ships?" Missy stopped us.

"Well... I guess we're gonna have to get Miss Granada and some aliens."


We were all riding on Ojo's spaceship. Turns out, the day we destroy that mothership was gonna be delayed. By just a day. When we reached there, Facemaker changed into an alien and hopped aboard the ship. We monitored him through a special camera we had put in his costume and spoke to him through a device we put in his ear.

"Facemaker! I read the sign!" Missy hissed, "She's in the orange section!"

"On it!" Facemaker hissed and walked in. And we saw it. Miss Granada.

"What do you want?" Miss Granada scoffed.

Facemaker changed his face back and smiled at her before turning back into an alien. Miss Granada nodded and Facemaker picked the lock. She hugged him and then, Miss Granada motioned to the cells around her.

"These are my other attendants. 20,000 of them."

Facemaker freed them and Ojo drove the spaceship nearer to the exit on Section Orange. Then, they hopped in.

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now