Chapter 3 || Missy's Secret

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You know when you try to act like you're fine all the time? Yeah? Well it doesn't always work when you're alone and you think no one's watching. So now, I was giving myself a pep talk. Because I thought everyone was still sleeping.

"It's okay, Missy... It's been two years... They won't remember you... You were a nobody last year... Just go back to Silver Crest... and ignore all the people... You're better than that... Missy, it's all gonna be fi--"

"Whoa..." Wildcard was in the doorway.

"AH!" I screamed and threw a pillow at him, "Oh, it's just you."

"Why so jumpy?"

"I don't know... I'm just getting kinda nervous. School's in a day."

"And you're scared those kids will make fun of you or recognize you?"

"Wildcard, of course they're gonna recognize me! They're gonna see me and immediately all the words are gonna start flying out of their mouths... Freak... Useless... Loser... Unwanted--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Wildcard put his hand up, "They're calling you a loser? They're out of their minds!"

"I had no friends," I gave him a look, "And how'd you know I was awake?"

"My tablet."

"Ugh! I told you not to look at when I'm sleeping or not sleeping!"

"I can't help it!" Wildcard laughed, "Besides, it is my fault for putting that chip in your head. I might as well use it."

"You use it a lot." I rolled my eyes.

"But the point is, you're coming back as a whole different person. Because we'll be there for you. You're still you, Missy Moreno. And you're awesome. If they choose not to see it... it's their loss."

I smiled softly.

"Thanks, Wildcard."


I looked over at the still sleeping A-Capella on her bed.

"And this time, I get to beat A-Capella to the shower!" I smirked and walked into our bathroom.

I heard Wildcard leave and immediately turned on the shower, feeling the warm water fall on me. Drenching me. But for some reason, I felt warmer outside than I was in this big steamy room. Why? I had no idea. But I stood there underneath the shower head, being showered with hot water, waiting for it to get warmer to the level I was just at. But it wasn't working. So A-Capella began to bang on the shower door telling me the smoke alarm went off.


"Whoa, Missy," Rewind scanned me, "You're boiled like a lobster!"

"Thanks," I said sarcastically, "I love being red and hot."

"So... it's true?"

"What's true?"

"That Silver Crest is the school you used to go to?" Guppy asked, curiously sipping her water.

"Yeah... I had a terrible time."

"Why'd they call you a loser?" Wheels turned to me.

"Wheels, I think you shouldn't--" Wildcard started but I cut him off.

"Because. I didn't fit in with them and they thought I was lame for having no powers and still being a kid of Marcus Moreno. I also didn't really like to talk to people," I explained.

"Oh. Well they're stupid!" A-Capella sang.

"Lucky us. We have to go to orientation today."


"At least it's eighth grade. I don't wanna be stuck with the sixth graders."

"Doesn't Silver Crest have an elementary in there now? You know... so they'll have Low, Middle, then High?" Noodles asked, eating his... well, noodles.

"Yep. They were building it two years ago and I think they're done now. So Miss Guppy gets to hang out with the first graders."

"Yay!" Guppy threw her hands in the air.

"We better get going or we'll be late," I said, grabbing my backpack.

"Yes, ma'am!" everyone chorused.

"Don't do that," I groaned.

"But you keep us managed! We have to do something!" Facemaker exclaimed.


"Hello, students at Silver Crest High-Middle-Low School."

"That name sounds icky," Wildcard snickered to me.

"Today, we'll be starting orientation off by introducing our new students. Well, one... isn't so new," the principal glanced at me and I kept silent, avoiding eye contact.

Wildcard reached out, grabbed my hand, and squeezed it encouragingly. Only then, the gravity sunk in on what we had just done and I let go immediately before my cheeks turned redder than my blush.

"One by one, please pass the microphone around and say your names."

She passed it to Slo-mo, who was the closest to her. Rewind and Fast Forward secretly moved their fingers, speeding Slo-mo up. Again, we weren't supposed to let them know we were the children of the heroics.

"I'm Slo-mo."

"I'm Fast Forward."

"I'm Rewind."

"I'm A-Capella."

"I'm Wheels."

"I'm Facemaker."

"I'm Noodles."

"I'm Guppy!" Guppy giggled shyly.

"I'm Wildcard."

He handed the microphone to me and I felt all eyes staring into my soul. Well, it felt like it at least.

You can do it. I believe in you. He spoke through my mind.

"And I'm... Missy Moreno."

The kid with no powers who's a very big loser and wouldn't be nowhere without her friends.

That's not true.

AH! Wildcard! Don't scare me like that! Just imagine what the kids here would do if I screamed out loud!

Okay! Sorry! Just... don't think that way.

You always know what to say.

Because I'm a smart person. I could hear him smirking through my head.

Oh stop that. You wouldn't be smart if it wasn't for me.

Oh really?


"Guys, quit talking to each other through your heads!" Guppy pouted, "We're supposed to be leaving the gym now!"

"Okay, Miss Guppy," I laughed planting a kiss on her forehead, "Have fun! Don't hurt anyone!"

She gave me a thumbs up and ran off. Oh... if only life was as happy as that little girl.

"Someone, please kill me," I groaned when Guppy was gone, "I feel like people have just burned holes through my shirt from all those stares!"

Unspoken Words - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes SequelWhere stories live. Discover now