Chapter Eleven

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  I wake up and look around. "Hey Zodiac you ready to move on?" I ask him. When I don't get a response I reach up onto my shoulder to pet him but he's not there.
  "Zodiac?" I get up from my chair and look for him. I check under the pile of chair,in dark corners,I even stuck my hand in a thankfully empty mouse hole.
  I start to get worried. "Zodiac! Where are you?" I call. Tears start to form in my eyes. I've lost Chris and now Zodiac. "Hey." A childlike voice comes from the darkness. I look around and a 5 year old boy comes from the darkness.
  "Are you okay?" He asks. I look at him. "Have you seen my cat?" I ask. "Are you talking about the gray cat I found wandering around?" My spirit lifts. "Yes!" "Here let me take you to him." The kid holds out his hand.
  I look at it warily. He's a child. I tell myself. What can a child do to hurt me? I take his hand and follow him.
  We walk down a hallway I hadn't seen while fighting Scarred. We reach some stairs and I grumble about climbing more stairs. The kid doesn't hear me but tugs on my hand as we continue climbing.
  "Alex don't trust him." I hear a familiar voice say. I look to my left and see Zach walking next to me. He has a worried look on his face. "He knows where Zodiac is." I whisper. "Just don't trust him okay?" He asks looking at me. I give a small nod and turn my attention back to the kid.
  When we reach the end of the stairs we walk into a room with a couch, a stove, a sink, some dishes, and a cot on the floor. "Welcome to my home." I look around and see Zodiac eating a piece of bread on the couch.
  I run over to him. "Hey Alex! Did you know this guy has bread? HE HAS BREAD!" He says waving it in front of my face. I shake my head and pick him up.
  "Uh thank you. But me and him should really get going." I say to the kid. "Oh. I was going to make you some food." He sounds so disappointed that I feel bad. "Okay. I'll eat some food." I say to him. He perks up and runs over to the stove. "Oh you can take a bath while I cook! The bathtub is in the next room." He says pointing.
  I look at the door and slowly open it. On the other side is a beautiful porcelain bathtub with claw feet. I turn on the water, undress and sink into the warm water. I sigh in comfort and close my eyes.
  I open them again and see Zach next to the tub. I give a little yelp and sit up. "Jesus! Zach give me a warning next time!" "Sorry. But I thought I said not to trust him. Something feels off." He says looking towards the room where the boy is.
  "Zach I'm sorry but I need a bath. And food." The boy walks in and grabs my clothes. "I'm gonna wash these." He walks out and closes the door. Zach looks at me. "What kind of five year old washes clothes, cooks food, and maintains cleanliness?" I think about that. "Look I don't know but I'm  really hungry." I look at my arms, legs, and chest. They're covered in bruises. "I'm also really hurt." I say.
  Zach takes a look at the bruises. "Okay just don't linger." He says walking out through the door. Literally through it. I finish my bath right as the kid comes back with my clothes clean and dry.
  "Here. The food's almost done." He says with a smile. I take my clothes and he walks out. I put my clothes back on and walk out. The aroma hits me and my mouth waters.
  "Beef stew." I says with a sigh. I sit down on the couch and the kid brings me a bowl with the stew in it. "You didn't have to." I say. "It's fine." He walks back and gets some stew for himself.
  I take a cautious sip and almost down the whole bowl in one gulp. I restrain myself even though it tastes so good. After eating I lean my head back and close my eyes.

The Panic of Fear (Book One of The Fearful Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now