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Ethan's POV
I was walking to the arena greeting some fans before I walked in. To say the least I was a bit nervous. I just came back from a tailbone injury not to long ago and I didn't wanna suffer another injury that quickly. Nevertheless I walked in and got ready for my match against Miro. Judging in how the past two meetings went this should be an easy one but most likely not. I went to my locker room to change into my attire when Anna Jay walked in.
Ethan- What are you doing here
Anna- Well just stopped by to say good luck and have you thought on it
Ethan- I have and the answer is still no
Anna- You will join us one way or another
Ethan- Okay whatever you say
Anna leaves as Ethan changes into his attire.
Time skip to match
Justin Roberts- This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 305 pounds accompanied by Kip Sabina and Penelope Ford the best man Miro

Justin Roberts- And his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrators POV
Ethan and Miro locked up. Miro shoved Ethan off and landed a running body block. Miro went for the Machka kick but Ethan ducked and hit a

sending Miro out of the ring. Ethan went for a rope but before he could do the move Kip pushed Miro out of the way. Ethan instead hit a

on Kip Sabian. Ethan ran after Miro before getting dropped with a

The former United States champion sent his challenger into the corner. In the corner Miro hit

(Miro=Undertaker Ethan=Maven?)
Miro lifted up Ethan and put him in a

(Miro=Ezekiel Jackson Ethan=Justin Gabriel)
Ethan fought his way out and rolled up Miro for a two count.  Both men got up quickly as Miro went for a kitchen sink but Ethan caught his leg and hit a

As Miro was crawling to the ropes Ethan wrapped both his legs around the ankle of Miro. Penelope Ford got onto the apron to distract the Aubrey as Kip came in with a chair and hit Ethan across the side of the head. Aubrey turned back to see Miro covering Ethan. Ethan kicked out at two. Miro then stomped Ethan in the back and locked in the

Ethan tried fighting it but was quickly losing consciousness. Ethan's foot reached the ropes causing a break. Aubrey got to the count of four before Miro let go of the submission.  Miro went for the Machka kick again but Ethan ducked it for the second time and hit the

Ethan fell on top of Miro for the cover but he kicked out at two much to the surprise of Ethan. Ethan whipped Miro into the corner and put him on the top rope. Bourne followed him up there and hit a

While Miro was on his knees Ethan hit a massive

(She has the best shining wizard of all time no doubt JohnnyWriting)
Ethan went into the cover but Miro forced a rope break when he grabbed the ropes. Ethan dragged him to the center of the ring and went into the

But before Ethan could lock it in all the way Miro rolled him up for the three count.

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