Day out

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Ethan- I needed this I needed a day to myself where I can just rela-
Anna- Nope your not gonna be lazy and just sit on the couch all day.
Ethan- Oh come on really?
Anna- Yup so get up cause we're going to the mall.
Ethan- Oh hell no nope you ain't gonna drag me to the mall not happening. You can go with your friends but your nit taking me to the mall okay so have fun.
Anna- Whatever you never wanna do anything with me.
Ethan- That's because we haven't done anything yet.

Anna leaves

Ethan- Now that she's gone this whole house is mine.

Ethan grabbed some bear and his ps5 controller and started playing GTA V.

Ethan- Wonder when there gonna make another gta if they ever will.

After about 4 hours of being chased by cops and a chopper (wasn't his first time being chased by the law probably won't be his last) and a few five star warnings Anna came back.

Anna- Your so lazy.
Ethan- Say what now me lazy never I'm not lazy okay look this is justified alright this is my day off so let me enjoy it in peace please and thank you. Anyways what'd you get.
Anna- Nothing much just a couple of dresses.
Ethan- Oh okay cool.
Anna- So I'm guessing you just played games while I was gone.
Ethan- Yeah I also had some friends over but they left about an hour ago so yeah. We played Final Fantasy VII and I absolutely destroyed them they didn't stand a chance against me but that's besides the point and I may or may not have gotten just a little but drunk.
Anna- Really just a little drunk.
Ethan- Yeah just a little tipsy nothing to put of norm for me.
Anna- Okay but please just don't become an alcoholic.
Ethan- Wow so you really think I'm gonna become an alcoholic just because I drink beer. Okay then in your eyes millions of people are gonna become alcoholics because they drink just a little beer.
Anna- No what I'm saying is just don't drink beer on a daily basis so you don't become an alcoholic.
Ethan- Oh that's what you meant okay my bad. Sometimes I tend to turn the slightest thing into a big deal ( I do this irl too) and this is one of those times it was a simple misunderstanding and I'm sorry.
Anna- It's fine but now that I'm back I have you all to myself
Ethan- I like where this is going.
Anna- Of course you do because your a horny little bastard.

Well you already know what's gonna happen so I'll leave it there also I'm gonna try and finish this book before school starts so expect updates every two to three days. So till then peace.

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