Family Affair

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Ethan's POV
Well tonight is gonna be interesting. I am going to interrupt Christian Cage in the middle of his backstage interview and challenge him to a match later that day.
Later that day
Alex- Christian Cage last week you defeated Frankie Kazarian. How do you feel.
Christian- I feel great it feels great to be back in the ring.
Ethan- Christian Cage how are you.
Christian- I'm good.
Ethan- How's the neck after last week.
Christian- Feels good so why did you interrupt me.
Ethan- Well I interrupted you because I want to challenge you to a match later tonight. So are you gonna man up and accept or are you gonna wuss out.
Christian- You know I don't back down from a challenge so I accept.
Time skip to match
Justin- This match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Justin- And his opponent weighing in at 212 pounds Christian Cage

Narrators POV
Ethan and Christian both lock up with Ethan hitting a high knee as Christian retaliates with a

Christian sends Ethan into the ropes and hits

(Edge= Christian Ethan= John Cena)
Christian went for a forearm but Ethan blocked and went for a ddt. Christian countered and went for the kill switch but Ethan quickly countered it and hit a

As Christian was falling to the ground Ethan grabbed him and hit a

Ethan went for a cover but Christian kicked out at two. Ethan went for a clothesline but Christian ducked and hit a

(Bret Hart=Christian HHH= Ethan)
Christian put Ethan in a seated position and hit a

Christian covered Ethan for a two count. Both men got up as Christian ducked a clothesline attempt and hit a

(just imagine the ladder isn't there obviously)
Christian went into another cover for another two count. The former World Heavyweight champion set up for the kill switch but before he could execute the move Ethan pushed him off and hit his own

Obviously Christian wouldn't go down to his own move as he kicked out at two. Christian crawled to the ropes as Ethan was getting back to his feet. Ethan ran and hit a

Ethan headed to the top when the Dark order came out and stood at ringside. With Ethan distracted by the Dark Order. Christian went to the top rope and executed a

Christian with the momentum on his side followed it up with the

For the three count. As Christian Left the ring Ethan was arguing with the Dark Order saying that he had the match won but they just ignored him and were heading to the back. As Anna Jay was heading to the back she uttered the words "You will join us or else" before winking at him and heading to the back

Dark times ahead (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now