Contenders match

156 2 13

Christian- Yo we got a match.
Ethan- Since when?
Christian- Umm now so hurry up in here we ain't got all day.
Ethan- Your the one to talk you used too take forever.
Christian- This isn't about me.

Time skip to match
Justin- This match is scheduled for one fall and is a number one contenders match for the AEW tag team championship. Introducing first the challengers at a combined weight of 417 the team of Ethan Bourne and Christian Cage

Justin- And there opponents at a combined weight of 439 pounds SCU

Narrators POV

Ethan and Kazarian started the match for there respective teams. Bourne Irish whipped Kaz into the ropes and hit a

Kazarian got back up blocked a punch and did a

Kaz followed this up with a

Kaz picked up Ethan to go for a northern lights suplex but Ethan reversed it into a

Frankie crawled over and tagged in the Daniels. Daniels quickly hit a

Ethan tagged in Christian.

Highlights of the match

Kazarian hits a flux capacitor on Ethan

Daniels hits an Angels wings on Ethan onto Christian for a two count

Ethan superkicks Daniels out of the ring

Christian hits a frog splash onto both Daniels and Kazarian

Christian hits the killswitch then Ethan hits the saving grace onto Kazarian but Daniels breaks up the pin.

Ethan hits the blackout on both Daniels and Kazarian to pick up the victory.

(Sorry this chapter was so short)

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