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In text
Anna- Hey you ready.
Ethan- Yeah I'll be there give me 10 minutes
Meanwhile Ethan

10 minutes later
I walked down to meet Anna in the lobby

(This is what she's wearing)Ethan- Wow you look amazing

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(This is what she's wearing)
Ethan- Wow you look amazing.
Anna- Thanks. You do too.
Ethan- Not really like the best thing I have is jeans and a button up shirt like that's all I have okay. There's nothing nice about that.
Anna- Sure they is.
Ethan- If you say so.
Anna- So where are we going.
Ethan- Ummm about that I don't know.
Anna gave me that really face.
Ethan- What do you want me to do okay I don't go out to eat that often so I don't really know good places around this area.
Anna- Alright that's fine.
We went to a little diner around the corner.
Anna- So umm what was your reason for becoming a wrestler.
Ethan- Well besides Christian literally being my cousin I didn't have much of a reason. It just seemed liked something cool to do. I almost quit because a lot of the people that I was training with were taller than me and they and even the trainers were like you ain't got what it takes so you might as well give up. But you know me I'm stupid and I didn't and look were it got me.
Anna- So what happened to the people that you were training with.
Ethan- Well they got normal jobs I guess I don't really remember.
As I was talking to Anna I admired her beauty and might have gone in a trance.
Anna- Hey Ethan you still there.
Ethan- Yeah yeah I'm still here.
Anna- Okay what were you staring at?
Ethan- This beautiful lady in front me.
She blushed a dark shade of red.
Anna- You really mean it?
Ethan- Well I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true okay. When I say things I mean what I say okay.
Anna- Alright. So weird question but if you had four stomachs which food would go in each stomach.
Ethan- Oh easy one for bacon, one for burgers, one for pizza, and one for Cheetos.
Anna- Seems like you had your picks set you've been waiting for someone to ask you that question.

Then Anna's phone rang.
Anna- Hello. Yeah I'm with Ethan why. No of course I'm not gonna do that. Your wrong for saying that. Okay if we do I promise okay. Okay bye.
All I could was laugh at that little conversation.
Ethan- Who was that.
Anna- Oh it was Tay she wanted to know where I was. Also she said if we were gonna have sex to wear protections

Ethan- So can she overprotective sometimes.
Anna- Yeah on occasions she has been overprotective.
Ethan- Alright.
Anna- So you and Abyss have history care to explain.
Ethan- Uh yeah eight years ago me and him fought over the TNA world heavyweight championship in a ladder match. In that match I sent him through two flaming tables and won the match. Apparently he's still mad at me for beating him. So now he wants revenge for eight years ago.
Anna- Well why now why not the night after or whatever.
Ethan- I don't know but that's what I'm saying. Like you could've gotten revenge in me then.
Anna- Yeah he could've.
Ethan- Sometimes I just don't understand people.
Anna- Okay so umm I know I said I loved you last night but does that mean we're a couple.
Ethan- I mean if you want to be.

The kiss caught me off guard. I wasn't ready for it but it was definitely a welcome surprise. After a few minutes we let go.
Ethan- I'll take that as a yes.
Anna smiled at me. We left and headed back to the hotel. And let's just say what happens at the hotel stays at the hotel. Till next time peace

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