Title match

189 3 15

Christian- You ready.

Ethan- Hell yeah man let's do this.

Time skip to match

Justin- This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the AEW tag team championships. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at a combined weight of 417 pounds the team of Ethan Bourne and Christian Cage.

Justin- And there opponents at a combined weight of 350 pounds they are the AEW tag team champions The Young Bucks

Before the match started Matt grabbed the mic.

Matt- Congratulations to the both of you. You have the honor of going up against the greatest tag team of all time. You are in the presence of greatness but that's besides the point. Ethan we've known each other for a long time and we have one request just don't choke the tag titles for yourself and Christian cause we both know how you love to choke titles away it's happened all over the world and you can't deny it. Anyways goodluck cause your gonna need it.

Matt threw the mic down and handed Aubrey the belts as she lifted them up and  rang the bell.

Ethan hit a

on Matt.

Ethan then hit a

(So glad that pwg is back man)

Bourne picked Matt up and hit a

for a one count. Ethan went from another suplex but Matt blocked sent him into the corner and hit a

Jackson went onto the apron and hit a

Matt went to his corner and tagged in his brother. Nick cockily walked over to Ethan who was using the ropes to get up. Nick I rushed whipped Ethan and hit a

Nick went for a ddt but Ethan reversed it into a

Ethan quickly tagged in Christian.

10 minutes later

Ethan hit a

onto both Nick and Matt. Bourne tried tried to lock in a Boston crab but was met with a kick to the fave and a

Nick as the legal man covered Ethan but Christian broke up the pin. Matt dumped Christian out of the ring and followed him out there. Nick turned his attention back to Ethan who rolled him up for a two count. Ethan dodged the superkick as Matt dodged the black out. With Ethan gaining the advantage by hitting a sudden

Matt quickly ran into the ring and broke up the fall but received a

Bourne hit another

onto Nick to win the AEW tag team championships.

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