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I was pacing back and forth at gorilla I had to go up against Lio Rush a man that I've heard a lot of but never got the chance to face him. I was broken out of my thoughts when Lio came up to me.

Lio- Ethan I've seen a lot of shit go down but for you too tie people up and then get captured yourself that is one way to get payback.

Ethan- Yeah it is and it was a very haunting experience because it was my ex's that captured me so that's what made it even worse.

Lio- Damn well try not to think about that during our match I want to see the best out of you.

Ethan- Come on now you know you'll always see the best of me no matter what.

Lio just chuckled as his theme played

Justin- Introducing first from Washington D.C. weighing in at 169 pounds Lio Rush

Justin- And his opponent weighing in at 202 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrators POV
Aubrey rang the bell as Ethan hit a

and a

Ethan picked Lio up and went for a forearm that Lio dodged and landed a

Rush quickly went to the top before Cody came out of the crowd and shoved Lio off the top causing and dq. Rhodes grabbed a chair from under the ring and hit multiple shots to the lower back of Rush before turning his attention to Ethan who was curled up in the corner. Cody slowly walked towards Ethan hitting him in the face with the steel chair multiple times causing him to bleed. Rhodes stopped the attack and looked at the steel chair with a sinister smile. He grabbed a table from the under the ring and put Ethan and Lio on it before hitting a

And as if that wasn't enough he hit both men with a crossroads. Cody left the arena through the crowd as they were left shocked at how Cody had snapped even though it was justified when you think about Ethan really trapped this man and his wife what a sicko
Instantclassic- Yeah we get it dude now do your fucking job or your fired.

Narrator- Alright alright man chill dude I'm just trying to add some more spice to the book it's been pretty boring.

Instantclassic- Hey come on dude you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me so you should be lucky.

Narrator- Yeah yeah whatever man now back to the story.

Ethan slowly got up and flipped Cody off before holding his head and going backstage as AEW went off the air.

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