Battle on

446 3 11

Ethan's POV
Another week another match. Same opponent this time. Colt got lucky last week but this week is gonna be a different story. I'm not gonna let anything stop me from winning.
Time skip to match
Justin Roberts- This match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger weighing in at 233 pounds accompanied by the Dark Order Colt Cabana

Justin Roberts- And his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrator POV
Ethan and Colt locked up in the middle of the ring. Ethan pushed Colt into the ropes and hit a dropkick. Ethan locked in a

Trying to end the match early but Colt easily got to the ropes. Ethan let go of the submission and backed away. Ethan went to the top rope and went for a diving ddt but Colt caught him and hit

Colt followed this up with a

(Just not from the top rope)
Colt rolled into the cover but Ethan kicked out at one. Cabana went for Colt 45 but Ethan wiggled out of it and hit an

As both men got up Ethan hit a

Ethan fell into the cover but Colt kicked out at one. Ethan went to the apron and hit a

Ethan rolled through and went into the cover for a two count. John Silver tried to distract Ethan but he roundhouse kicked him off and into all of the Dark Order except for Anna Jay who was over on the other corner unhooking the turnbuckle in the top right corner of the ring. Ethan irish whipped Colt into the exposed turnbuckle and hit an

Ethan picked up Colt and hit a

For a two count. Ethan tried to Irish whip Colt into the corner but Colt reversed it and hit the

5 minutes later

Colt tried for Colt 45 again but Ethan countered it into the

Cabana rolled out of the ring. Ethan ran to the outside and hit a

On all members of the Dark Order. When he went to spear Cabana Anna Jay stepped in front of him causing Ethan to stop in his tracks. Anna Jay stepped up to him and smacked him in the face. Ethan went to punch her but he held back and rolled in the ring. Anna smirked at him and called him a pussy. When Colt went back in the ring Bourne hit him with

For the win. Ethan looked at Anna and told her.
Anna- I'll call you whatever I want and you can't stop me.

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