Talk is Jericho

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Jericho- Okay so at what point did you think that it was time to leave umm ROH.
Ethan- Well before I got injured like I already knew that I was gonna be written off if tv.
Jericho- Okay so you already knew.
Ethan- Yeah and umm I was getting tv time less and less. And I was mad because I was one of there premier talents and it's the same thing that happened with WWE as well. I wasn't being used and I got pissed off so I expressed my frustration and then I got injured and as soon as I got injured they fired me. I was pissed off to a level where I just trashed my house. Like i was that pissed off.
Jericho- Okay so how was the injury.
Ethan- The pain was immeasurable. Every time I got up I was in pain. Like I couldn't do anything without being in pain. And you know I love to move around.
Jericho- Yeah your all over the place.
Ethan- Yeah I am and that tailbone injury just like set me back. And my son knew I was in pain when I couldn't do anything myself. So yeah. He had to do a lot for me so it was a struggle.
Jericho- Well glad your good now. Your up and moving and you just had your debut last week.
Ethan- Yeah and that match was tough because it was my first match since the injury and I was kinda nervous I was gonna get injured again.
Jericho- Yeah I could see it in your face.
Ethan- Yeah but I pushed through and even though I lost you know I was ecstatic to be back  in the ring. And I was like this is where I belong so yeah. But first match was a struggle for me but I went good so everything's fine. And like I realize that if I wanna be at the top of this division it's gonna be a tough road and losing your first match is definitely not a good start. Especially when the rankings are based on wins.
Jericho- And why do you say that.
Ethan- Well i say that because there are so many like good competitors in this company that I could have top notch matches with. And that's one of the reasons why I came here because of the competition.
Jericho- Well thank you for joining me.
Ethan- My pleasure thanks for having me.

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