Final Battle

464 2 10

Ethan's POV
Stipulation. Unfortunately that's what my match is gonna have. Apparently Colt wants another match so I'm more than welcome to give him that ass whoopin.
(Quick little note here. I was gonna use another from here on out for Ethan but a certain someone and I'm not gonna name any names but a certain someone and you know who you are is using that theme. So to that person

Now back to the chapter
Time skip to match
Justin Roberts- This match is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit. And if Ethan Bourne loses he has to join the Dark Order. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 233 pounds accompanied by the Dark Order Colt Cabana

Justin Roberts- And his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrator POV
No lock up. Both men go for dropkicks but they miss. Ethan goes for roundhouse but Colt ducks. Colt goes for a springboard moonsault but Ethan catches him with a

Ethan goes for a pinning combanation and Colt kicks out at one. Ethan lifted Colt on his shoulders and hit a

Colt rolled out of the ring. Ethan followed him and pushed him into the barricade. Evil Uno tried to distract Ethan but got a

for her troubles.
Ethan- You get in my way and this is what happens. If anyone of y'all get in my way your gonna suffer the same fate as your friend over here.
Ethan turned his attention back to Colt but got a full face of

(Imagine it to the outside)
Colt threw Ethan back into the ring and hit a

(JBL= Colt ??= Ethan)
Colt covered Ethan getting a long two count. Colt grabbed Bourne and hit a

(Cedric= Colt Ricochet= Ethan)
Cabana went for another cover but again got a long two count. Colt grabbed Ethan and went for Colt 45 but Bourne wiggled out and hit a

(Drew= Ethan MVP= Colt)
5 minutes later
Both men were fighting again on the outside. Ethan had just hit a rope con Hilo.
Ethan- You think you can beat me. I was better than you when I was 18 and 11 years later I'm still better than you. You will never beat me again. That one win was a fluke. Your a fluke.
Ethan slaps Colt in his face. Colt grabbed Ethan and sent him headfirst into the post busting Bourne open. Aubrey Edwards was at a count of 8 before Colt sent Ethan and himself into the ring. Cabana went right into the cover and got a two count. Colt hit an

(Toni= Colt Mercedes= Ethan)
Another 5 minutes later
Justin Roberts announced that there is 2 minutes left in the match. Both men countered there finishing moves. Ethan kicked Colt in the gut and hit a

(Petey= Ethan Matt= Colt)
Colt to avoid getting pinned rolled out of the ring. Ethan went to the top rope and dived on all of the Dark Order. With the Dark Order out Ethan threw three Cabana back in. Ethan climbed to the top rope and hit the saving grace for the three count. Ethan rolled out of the ring clutching his neck and back as the Dark Order entered the ring. Ethan smiled and winked at Anna before heading backstage.

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