Ticket to doomsday

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After suffering from the effects of the black hole slam courtesy of Abyss. I'm looking to get revenge. I walked into my locker room to see a note. It read "You will pay for your what you did to me". Ethan had a look of amusement on his face as he read the note. He walked out of his locker room and headed to catering. Before he could arrive Abyss attacked him from behind. He went for a black hole slam but Ethan reversed it into a

Abyss got right back up and nailed Ethan with a

Abyss dragged Bourne to the ring and grabbed a table. Abyss put Ethan on the edge and hit a

(Just imagine it through the table)
Later that night
Alex Marvez- What do you have to say about the attack earlier.
Ethan- Well all I can say is he's in for an ass whoopin.
Alex- What do you plan on doing to him.
Ethan- Well I plan on doing anything it takes to take him down.
Ethan leaves grabs a chair and heads to find Abyss. He finds Abyss in catering and

Ethan hit Abyss with five chair shots to the head but it was not enough to take him down. Ethan kicked Abyss in the gut and hit a

Abyss slowly got back up. Ethan hit a

Bourne sets up a table in the corner and puts Abyss in the corner. He backs up gets a full head of steam and delivers a

While Abyss was on the ground he grabbed Janice. When he got up Abyss tried to hit Ethan with Janice but it backfired as Abyss was the one on the receiving end of a shot from Janice busting him open. Security and officials came in to back Ethan away. They eventually were able to get him away from the seen but Bourne was still fuming.

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