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I needed that two weeks. Every part of my body was hurting.  So tonight is my return.
Later that night
Cody- So tonight we are gonna have a six person elimination match to determine the number one contender for the AEW world heavyweight championship. The winner will receive a championship match whenever they so choose.
Cody left the ring as Justin Roberts announced the participants. Said participants are Scorpio sky

, Christopher Daniels

, Matt Sydal

Darby Allin

and Chris Jericho

.I was a surprise participant in the match.

Narrators POV
Aubrey called for the bell. Sydal went after Darby as Sky went after Daniels. All of four of them went to the outside leaving just Ethan and Chris in the middle of the ring. Chris went for a Judas Effect but Bourne ducked and hit a

Jericho got back up and hit a

Chris tried to follow it up but Bourne rolled him up but got a one count. Both men went for a dropkick. Chris went for a punch but Bourne cooked it turned him around and hit a

Ethan went for the cover but Jericho quickly kicked out. On the outside Matt nailed Allin with a

On the other side of the ring Sky got eliminated by an

(Funny thing is we're only five minutes into the match)
Back to the action inside the ring. Jericho just hit the

Followed by a wicked

When Jericho went for the pin he realized that Aubrey was occupied with Matt and Darby which Darby made Matt tap out. So now it was down to three Chris, Ethan and Darby. When Aubrey went back to Chris and Ethan Jericho went for another codebreaker but Ethan caught him dropped him and turned it into the

While Jericho was locked in Darby hit a

onto the back of Chris. Ethan let go of the submission as Allin rolled Jericho over and covered him for the three count. It was down to Darby and Ethan. Darby hit a

Allin quickly into the cover but Bourne kicked out. Darby dragged him over to the corner. Allin made the slow climb. Ethan slowly got up and followed him up there. Bourne hit a

Ethan went into the cover but Allin put his foot on the ropes.  Ethan picked Allin up and went for the blackout but Darby ducked and hit a

Darby with no waste in motion went to the top rope and hit the

For the three count. Ethan got up as slowly so did Darby. Ethan held out his hand as a sign of respect and Allin shook it.

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