
201 3 16

Got jumped by Ftr. I challenged Dax to a match and he accepted.

Later that night

Justin Roberts- This match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger weighing in at 234 pounds representing Ftr Dax Hardwood

Justin- and his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrators POV

Both men locked up in the center of the ring with Ethan getting the advantage and hitting a

Ethan went for a sharpshooter but Dax kicked him off and hit a

Dax picked up Ethan and hit a

Hardwood went for a powerbomb but Ethan countered it into a

Bourne went to the top rope and hit a

Ethan covered Dax for a two count. Both men got back to there feet and started slugging it out forearms rights lefts uppercuts kicks to the back of the head until Dax gained the advantage with a

Hardwood went for a piledriver but Ethan countered it into a big back body drop. Ethan picked Dax up and hit a

As Dax was getting back to his feet cash Wheeler came out abs distracted Ethan. Ethan got annoyed and hit a

Onto Cash. Ethan came back into the ring and hit a

For a two count.  Ethan saw Cash get back up so he decided to hit him with a

Bourne came back into the ring to finish off Dax with a blackout but he dodged and hit a

For the win. Cash came into the ring to celebrate the victory with Dax but Dax had another idea in mind. Hardwood picked up the layer out Bourne and hit a

For good measure

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